Hey Jessie!

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"Cut! That's a rap!" I could hear the director shout from behind the camera. That only meant one thing. Sweet, sweet freedom. I wanted to go home and sit down on the couch. Maybe watch movies for the next 4 hours of my life.

"Hey Cam! Awesome job today!" Debby patted my head and gave my arm a quick squeeze. I gave her a reassuring smile and nodded.

"I just want to go home," I glanced over towards the giant table of snacks "and eat."

I grabbed 2 small cookies and a Doctor Pepper from the table, before sitting down. I put down my plate and right before I stood down, my phone rang.

"Are you (curse word?) kidding me?!" I read the name that flashed across the screen. {italics} Mom {Italics}.

I sighed before swiping my finger. "Hello?"

"Hi darling! How are you? How was your shoot? Having fun?" I dragged my phone slowly away from my ear, beginning to feel the deafening ring that lingered around.

"Ow?" I shook my head and brought the phone back to my ear.

"I am perfectly fine mom, really. I am. I promise I'll call, but I have to go. Bye!"

"B-but honey you-" Her voice was cut off as I pressed the 'end call' button. Mothers.
By the time we got back to our house in Los Angeles, I was exhausted. My face drooped from the constant rehearsal and my eyes burned when I closed them.

I sat down on the couch with my glass of orange juice and clicked the power button on the remote. The TV didn't turn on. I clicked it again. Nothing.

"That is so far to just press a button! Come on!" I yelled and pushed myself off the couch. Before I placed my feet on the ground, I heard the speakers blare "I've got my ticket-".

Quentyn was standing next to the TV, rolling his eyes and laughing. "You sir, are the absolute epiphany of laziness."

I scoffed before crawling back into a comfy position. "Eh."

Quentyn Cole, one of my best friends. We met in Florida last summer and automatically became close friends. We can relate to almost anything and everything, which is reassuring for sure.

Behind the Scenes (a Cameron Boyce FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now