Character info karma

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Me (Karma) has red human ear length hair, braid is average length and red, red eyes, dog bite scares like scares in real world, face is like mine but with defined features, voice is deep and sothing with a a little hint of scratchiness, greenish blueish skin with red tints around shoulders, hands, knees, 9ft tall, tail length is to the middle of my calfs,  higher senses, higher skills, higher strength, higher intelligence, higher speed, higher flexibility, higher climbing ability, bandaged chest, silk fabric around waist and drips down past knees, moon necklace, necklace with a K an sapphire, amethyst necklace made with leather chains, chains around tail and waist, knife holder with knife around my thigh, skin tight chains around wrists, four fingers instead of five, connected with Eywa.

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