Day 1 of 365(encountered feelings)

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Wandering all around,
Just a lost traveller
In search of something unknown
Stood upon the way
Stunned from my edges
When a voice full with grace shouted my good name
the moment holds for a second or two
As if my names is still in the air
Stuck and trying to pierce and reach my ears
I'm all shock and Stood at a place
Literally took me more than six minutes,
To process the fluency of pronunciation with which I was called,
Never before felt charismatic
But then a refusal,
A Refusal from my heart,
Refused to turn back and have a look of who just knocked in,
Refused to ask to call me once again,
Refused to give a thanks of how it made me feel,
Continued to wander
And search and search
Without even considering that it was something unknown.

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