ch. 7

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     "DRINK THIS, (NAME)."

DILUC OFFERED a glass of apple cider to her to ease her overthinking thoughts running in her head. They were inside Dawn Winery while the huntress sat in the middle chair beside the owner, who was attending to her needs. She gave a smile before taking the glass from his hands...

     "Are you alright?" He asked, placing a hand on her shoulders.

     "Hm? What do you mean, Roi Le Grincheux?" She questioned, glancing at him. "There's nothing wrong."

     He sighed, "(Name)... You're good at concealing your presence, but those emotions written on your face don't conceal what's bothering you right now. Plus, you wouldn't bring a child with you if you're not worried," he remarked. His eyes were sharp, observing almost everyone's actions, "Tell me, what happened to you?"

     She just chuckled, watching her son play with the maids outside, "It seems... I was caught red-handed," she quipped. Taking a sip from the drink, "These days are quite strange. I don't know why, but I can assure you these people are obsessed with me. It doesn't make any importance, to be honest."

The red-headed male flinched at what she said—does she know he's obsessed with her too? He remembered their first counter, the assassination that almost got him killed. He tracked the man responsible for framing him with false accusations. Before he killed the man, he asked what was his intentions—the man merely smiled before he stabbed his throat. In the end, he didn't get any related information about the man...

     "(Name), can you tell me who're these obsessed people?" He questioned, his frown softening from her worried face.

     "I... The Harbingers—the 11th and 4th Harbingers, I'm not sure about the 2nd Harbinger..." She replied, earning a nasty grimace from Diluc. "The Electro Archon, too. That's all of them."

     Diluc huffed, "Did you do something to attract them?"

     She shook her head, "I have no knowledge why they're acting like that nor any clue relating to their disturbing infatuation... The Harbingers would love to be my target while the Electro Archon wants to keep me as hers," she replied. "I'm not sure what I did to anger them either. I just hope they're the only ones."

     'You're too dense, (Name)...' Diluc thought, comforting the woman he loves. He offered his chest to rest her head, 'Don't worry... I'll take care of you. Even if it means eradicating those harbingers making you feel uncomfortable...'

His head rested behind her head while he wrapped his other arm around her waist, gently consoling her distracted mind. Blinded by the thoughts running through his head, he didn't notice his half-brother watching them from the window. He heard about his brother almost getting killed by the huntress and that was the first time he was enamored of her identity...

     "Are you just gonna stare from here, Kaeya?" His friend asked, she was leaning against the tree trunk. "We wouldn't be able to steal Ms. (Name) if you kept looking. We need to think of a plan."

     "Come on now, ROSARIA. It's best to admire our little prey before indulging her, right?" Kaeya laughed. The nun took her knife, raising it against him, "Okay, okay! We'll think of a plan soon and give me four minutes admiring Ms. Hunt."

     "I'll better see you behind the Church. If not, consider me as your enemy against Ms. (Name)."

     "Yes, yes! Understood, ma'am."


     "MAMA IS SAD."

EPEL REMARKED, holding (Name)'s cheeks with his petite hands. The baby is near his second year in this crazy world of Tevyat and that made the huntress worried for his being. She knew how cruel the world is after both of her parents were taken from her, so she swore to her life she'll find whoever is responsible for their death...

     "I'm alright, bébé. Mama's alright," she assured while kissing his fingers gently. He laughed at how ticklish the kiss was, "Oh? My bébé's laughing from Mama's kisses?"

     "Mama's kisses!"

She was glad the master of Dawn Winery let her enter his mansion for a while, letting her stay. He suggested staying in his home since he doesn't want her to bother paying for the Grand Goth Hotel in Mondstat. He seems fond of Epel from the way he holds his little hands with that large, gloved hand of his...

     "Lady Hunt, may I enter?" The voice of the head maid, Adelinde, asked behind the door as she knocked. "Master Diluc told me to give this to you."

     "Bien sur, mademoiselle mystérieuse!" She allowed. The door creaked to reveal the brown-haired maid holding a basket of clothing. "Master Diluc chose these clothes just for you and your baby. I hope he got the right size though..."

     "Huh?" (Name)'s expression was far from bewilderment because it was her exact size. "How did he know my size?"

She felt paranoid all of a sudden while her child was laughing when the maid was tickling his small tummy. It kind of makes sense due to the fact Diluc is like Vil, someone who works underground for their gain. She brushed the thoughts the red-headed male also likes her and thought he just knew her details due to the underground information he got...

     "Mademoiselle mystérieuse, did Roi Le Grincheux tell you about how he got my correct size?" (Name) asked, placing the basket on the floor. "I don't recall telling him anything about my sizes."

     Adelinde shrugged, "Im not sure, Lady Hunt. He's a secretive person, so I assume he got it from our clients. I can assure you he doesn't mean any bad thing towards you," she assured while taking one of the clothes. She took the frog onesie, putting it on Epel, "Look, Lady Hunt! Isn't he cute?" She asked.

     "Mama! Mama!" Epel laughed, trying to reach for his mother.

     "Yes, he's mignon. Who's the cutest bébé in the world?" She asked, pinching his chubby cheeks.

Beneath their room, Diluc was intentionally listening to his future wife soothes her child. It all felt like a dream as he continued sipping his grape juice, having (Name) between her arms and making a family with her. He's aware she doesn't return his feelings, so whoever she loves better watch their back because he's gonna target them soon...

     "Patience, Diluc... Just wait."



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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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