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Title: Bloodlust

Fandom: Vampire Knight

Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance

Characters: Zero, Yuki, Kaname

Rating: PG-13 (T)

Warning: Not for readers who hate seeing characters in pain. >.<

Pairings: Zero/Yuki, Kaname/Yuki, Kaname/Zero

Disclaimer: Do not own anything, although we fangirls always wish we do *sobs*

References: I couldn’t tell you, really. I have no idea what happens in which chapters. ^_^;;

Summary: Zero is hurting; and is slipping closer and closer to a Level E. The two people who care about him the most want to help.


Sitting on the ground, cold and alone. My breaths are shaky, yet deep. My knees are curled up to my chest. I have no idea how long I’ve been here, but it feels like it’s been hours—hours of endless torture.


You need blood…you crave it…


No! I don’t! I don’t, I can’t, I won’t…


Yuki has offered herself to you before…just go and take it.


I hate doing that to her…


“Y-Y-Yuki…” I moan. I slam my head against the wall as tears fall from my red eyes. “N-No!”

*Come on Zero! Just take it; it doesn’t hurt me, I promise. She brushes her hair away from her neck*


“No! I-I-I…”

Admit it; you want to do it….you want to feel her flesh around your aching fangs…


My heart races, my head pounds, the room spins and I cry out because of it all. I tremble and whine. My body is paralyzed with pain and fear. I wish it would end. My trembling hand reaching inside my jacket, I grab the Bloody Rose. My fingers quiver as my index grasps the trigger. Sobbing, I press the barrel of it to my chest. A beat…another beat…another.

*Zero, please don’t do it. I love you.*

“Y-Yuki…I-I love you…too…”

I push the idea of pulling the trigger away and throw the Bloody Rose across the room. It hits the wall and then the floor with a clang. I stare down. As much as I want my life to end, I promised Yuki that she would be the one to end me.


Shaking, trembling, tears streaming down my face. A hand brushes my cheek. I don’t look up. No one should see me in such a pathetic state. The person hugs me.

“It’s alright, it’s okay…” Their voice tells me. “Look at me Zero, please…”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2011 ⏰

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