{Part 1} Mission.

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[No ones POV]

(Hunter enters the room to see Belos sitting.)
"Hello Uncle." Said Hunter as he came closer to Belos throne.

(Belos looks towards Hunter and pays close attention)
"Why hello there,Golden Guard. I have a mission for you," Belos said as he lifted his arm up towards the arm rest.

(Hunter looked at Belos and became excited knowing he hasent gone on many missions lately)
"What is it?! I know I will succeed this time!" Hunter said in a bright voice and his eyes glistened. (I may have made a spelling error)

"You will go to Hexside, and connect with the blight family. We need more Abamotons NOW." Belos said in a low voice.

(Hunter became even more excited. He knew he would see people his age and he would finally make Belos proud)
"Of course Belos! When do I start my mission? When do I get my uniform!" Hunter said in excitement trying to now squeal.

"You will start tomorrow. Darius will help you with the other stuff." Belos said as he motioned Hunter to leave.

ME: Hello! I hope you liked the first part. I'm a new writer and these first parts will not include Goldric! I know this ship isn't popular so I made this for myself and the other Goldric shippers that are still out there. And please Hunter x Willow shippers don't say anything negative. (Not all are rude but just to the ones that don't support any other Hunter x __ ships) I hope you liked this part!

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