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Cool water slowly begins to seep through my boots. My skin and hair are already slick from the chill yet humid air. Surrounding us are walls. Immense rock walls slowly carved by the flow of water throughout time surround us in every direction. Stone pillars jut from the small stream. Boulders, rocks, and pebbles looking precariously pieced together. One slight breeze and they could all tip. Walls could cave rocks could crash chipping away their surroundings as they tumble.

cool water slowly begins to seep through my boots. My skin and hair are already slick from the chill yet humid air. Surrounding us are walls. Immense rock walls slowly carved by the flow of water throughout time. Stone pillars jut from the small stream. Boulders, rocks, and pebbles looking precariously pieced together. One slight breeze and they could all tip. Walls could cave rocks could crash chipping away their surroundings as they tumble.



My heart pounds in my chest ready to beat through its cage. The sound fills my ears and drowns all the noise besides


The canyons are dimly lit by the remaining sun. Dirty shades of grim grays and black. We shouldn't be here.

There is nothing to see in the sky above. Perhaps fog, or the dreary covering of one endless storm cloud, but nothing more.
I shouldn't be here.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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