Part One.

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What could be better than being a bass player in a rock band that plays for a vibing bar every night?  and right on the beach with amazing views and not to forget being surrounded by extremely handsome Navy pilots.  Well, actually been able to sing in public would have been a good start and maybe then Jake 'Hangman' Seresin would actually look her way once in a while.
But alas her stage fright had yet to be conquered, she couldn't even sing in font of Peggy let alone the tall, hot blonde pilot. Not that he would have given a crap anyway, he'd probably be too preoccupied by his flavour of the night, let alone flavour of the month.

But she couldn't care less about any of that when she was on the stage playing her bass guitar, just feeling the music flowing through her veins, enjoying and getting lost in the grooviness of the instrument was enough for her at that moment.
What she failed to see was that every night Jake could never take his eyes off of her, he was always mesmerised by her aesthetic. He loved how she moved and swayed while she played the bass like she was one with it. He'd never tell her this though, she was far too cool for him and he was totally convinced she had something going on with the drummer, Simon.

But when the nights got late, and more people crowded the dance floor she'd always manage to somehow make her way into Jake's arms. Both her and Jake always being more than tipsy and probably couldn't string a full sentence together in the moment.
Her arms would be around his neck, his would always be lazily around her waist while they swayed, their foreheads would be connected and he would always softly mumble the words from the songs he knew blasting from the Jukebox. When the song would get more lively he'd swing her out and back into his chest again which made her drunkenly giggle and probably blush the deepest red, but she didn't care she lived for these rare moments with him where he wasn't surrounded by other girls and just seemed like his genuine self, or what she hoped he was.

But that was forever the extent of their interactions and other than the drunk dances she couldn't actually recall a single, normal conversation they'd ever had. She'd overheard quite a few of his conversations with his fellow pilots, to say he sounded a little self centred and sarcastic would be a understatement, but he was pretty and she liked a challenge.
It was only liquid courage that made her dance with him, but she prayed to god that just one day she would be able to converse with him during the light of day and when they were both sober.

»»————- ☠ ————-««

When Nyx wasn't up on stage jamming out she manned the bar for Peggy, which is how she'd first got her band a gig at The Hard Deck.
But today of all days, what she hadn't expected was for Jake to just randomly walk in while the bar was closed he was never here in the day time.
She was just mopping the floor, getting it ready for customers when the bar opened in two hours when he had strolled on in and leaned against on one of the tables closest to her.

"So how come you only ever dance with me when it's dark out and we've had a few too many?" She stopped what she was doing and looked up, not expecting him to be as close as he was and in full uniform, he had his arms crossed over his chest and she had to force herself to look back up at his eyes.

She had to give herself chance to breath before she spoke for if she did answer him straight away her voice would definitely have cracked. "Don't know, you tell me fly boy." She leaned on the mop now smiling at him, completely distracted from the work she was suppose to be doing knowing full well Peggy would be pissed at her because the floor wont be dry in time. But she'd be damned if she was going to let this opportunity pass her by.

A brilliant, wide smile graced his face and all she could think about was how adorable the man in front of her was. "Fly boy huh? That's cute, you must really like me if you're already giving me a nickname." He teased. "And I mean I'm not complaining, dancing with you is my favourite part of the night." He pointed out.

"Who ever has been telling you I like you, their lying." She bowed a little to him, tilting her head. "And you're very welcome." They both laughed, never breaking eye contact with each other. "But I'm sure you've had many better dances with other girls."

He just shook his head, his expression had turned serious for a second that it made her smile drop slightly. "Never, You're my favourite girl."

"Hey Hangman! You coming or what?" Both of their heads shot to the door where Bradley stood unexpectedly, with a small wave directed to Nyx to show he acknowledged her presence in the room too.

Typical! The first time they actually got to have a real conversation and he's dragged away before anything interesting could happen, not that anything would. He did however turn back and gave her a sympathetic and what almost looked like a disappointed look as he began to walk to the door. Just before reaching it he turned back once more. "You're still going to save me a dance tonight right?"

"Oh." She smiled. "Always." With one more sweet smile he was gone.

Before she could even process what the hell just happened Peggy walked into the bar they just stood there stared at each other, Nyx like a deer in headlights. Then realisation hit, the floor wasn't even half mopped yet. "Was that Jake I just saw leaving? Is that the reason why only one square of my floor is mopped?"

"I don't know what you're trying to hint at, but whatever it is. No, no it's not." Nxy began to mop the floor again keeping her eyes downcast in order to avoid more questions from her ever persistent boss.

Peggy just laughed, letting Nyx know that she was busted and had been for sometime. But not to pry Peggy got on with her own jobs in order to get the bar ready for open and let Nxy stew in her new interaction with a certain hot blonde pilot.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2023 ⏰

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