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One rainy, cold day, I was in my house cleaning and doing homework for school too. College. I wanted to become an author and an illustrator. I was blasting music from my phone via Bluetooth speakers. I had been playing black veil brides because they always got me pumped to do something productive with my life. And hey they were cute too! jinxx had a special place in my heart. I never knew why, but something about they way he smiled made my insides summersault .

My parents were both killed in an accident 3 years ago. I mean, I could do pretty much whatever I wanted now. Isn't that what all teens want? To not have their parents all over them, so that they could be free to do anything they want. Parties, sex, drugs, alcohol. But what they don't know is the hell it puts you through. The sleepless nights, the loneliness. And how scared you are without them. Because they aren't there to help you. They can't teach you how to pay bills, or how to buy a house or how to drive a car. Your left utterly and completely alone, without anyone there for you.
But I guess you could say I'm a lucky one. My aunts lived about an hour away. We lived towards the top of Michigan, in small ass towns with the slowest, and I mean SLOWEST post office systems around. But that also means the rent was low, without many people around to drive the prices up.

It was always hard living in my childhood home, with my parents room always watching my as I walked past. I had always wanted to see them, to know that they were still here, protecting me. But I never saw them or their ghosts around. Maybe it was for the best. Maybe it meant they were finally happy. But whatever the reason, I couldn't leave. I didn't have enough money to. All the small apartments were filled up, and the ones that weren't, were too expensive for my job at hot topic allowed. I got a bit of payment from the state because of being emancipated, but it would stop once I was 22.
I was wearing a pair of black leggings, a red all time low sweater and a pair of jack skellington socks when I heard a knock on the door. It was 3:00pm, weird timing. Oh well. I turned down the music a little bit, and yelled "are you a serial killer?"to whoever was outside. "um no?"said a voice and I heard laughter outside. Ugh, I better not be some stupid kids from school. Probably wanted to pull a prank on me or something.
I sighed and strode to the door. When I opened it, I swear i almost fainted. "hello, my names Andy Biersack and this" he gestured to the other guys standing around him, "is my band. Um , may we please come in?" holy shit. "uh,um , um y yea sure-"I managed to stutter out. Andy smiled, and when he heard himself singing he said "hey who's that sexy fucker? Oh wait, it's me"he said laughing at his own joke. The other guys just face palmed and shook their heads. As they walked in, ashley checked me out and winked. "In your dreams Purdy. "I said smacking his arm. He just laughed and kept walking. The guys all sat down while I shut the door behind me. "well I assume you know who we are?"said andy. "yea I'm sorry, I'm just kinda shocked that THE black veil brides happen to be sitting on my couch like we've know each other for years.-"they chuckled and I smiled nervously sitting in the chair. "so um..?"started jinxx. "oh I apologize my name is Rose." he smiled. Well Rose, it's nice to meet you".Ugh this guy had a way of making me melt.
-so Rose,we've seemed to become lost on our way to a show in Detroit. We were hoping to find someone who knew how to get there?" asked Andy. They only wanted directions? I always thought that when they rescued me, it was because Jinxx had seen me at a concert, and had become so smitten with me that he had hunted me down and made the band go with him to find me. But I guess that's what I get for reading to much fanfic and watching to many movies.
"oh , um yea Detroit is a while away from here. I can give you guys directions if you want?"I said. "That would be wonderful thank you" Jake said smiling at me. Andy, Ashley, CC and Jake went to tell the driver what happened and to check in. " Hey Rose?" Jinxx said coming into the kitchen behind me. "yeah?" I said concentrating. "um I just met you, and this is crazy, but where's the bathroom, so I can pee maybe?" he said smiling cheeky. I laughed so hard, I feel to my knees grasping my stomach. "ohmygodareyouok?!" he frantically knelt down trying to help me up. "oh my god Jinxx that was perfect!" I said trying to calm down. He laughed nervously, and looked at me with so much concern in his eyes. I almost thought for a second that maybe, just maybe, he liked me more than friends. I calmed down and told him where the bathroom was, but he's still hadn't moved. "your sure your ok?"he asked a little more seriously. "yes I am" I tried to smile a genuine smile, but I probably looked like a stupid monkey. He flashed that million dollar smile and headed towards the bathroom.

The other guys came back in a few minutes later with solum faces. "what wrong?" I probably sounded scared because Jinxx came running to me placing a protective hand around my waist. Ok , little weird but who's complaining? "um our bus kinda broke down, and we don't have a way to fix it until tomorrow. Um, I hate to ask but, is it alright if we sleep here tonight? I-I mean you totally don't have to , we can find a hotel or something around here.." said Jake.
I thought for a second. No parents. It's not like I was on parole either. And I didn't have anyone supposed to be here. "yea sure. It's fine I don't mind at all." they looked at me still unsure. "are you sure? Like your parents or your roommates agree?" asked Jake. My parents? Well they didn't have much of a choice. And I lived alone...

"my parents are um.. Gone. And I live alone. So it's no problem at all. Really. I mean I'd be a pretty big bitch for refusing my favorite band ever away!" I added with a chuckle. They all erupted into "awe!" And hugged me into a squished group hug. "can't... Breathe!!" I squeaked out. "sorry!" CC said laughing. It felt nice having hugs. I really needed them lately.

While the guys went to get blankets and pillows, I checked the clock. 6:05pm. I'm hungry, and no doubt the band was as well. Looking in the cupboards and the fridge, I didn't see much. Maybe enough to feed one person, but not 6 people. I guess I can get pizza. They like pizza right? I hope so.
They all came inside carrying pillows and blankets, and CC had a teddy bear. "hey guys? I'm gunna go get pizza cause there's not much here. The Netflix password is 278420, but don't buy anything. I'm kinda broke" I said shrugging. I was about to leave when when andy stopped me. "hey here's some money to help you pay for the food."he smiled sweetly and placed $200 in my hand. "wow uh thanks but I doubt pizza would be this much." I said laughing. He chuckled and joined the guys on the couch browsing Netflix.

Jinxx came up to me and asked "hey um can I go with you? I could help you carry stuff um if you'd like?" he stood nervously, shuffling from one foot to the other. I felt my cheeks blush wildly. " sure. Um id really like that." I said, smiling.
We walked outside to my car, a Chevy Impala, and climbed in. After a minute of protest, the engine started. I pulled out of the driveway, turning on the heavy metal station. "So Rose?" Jinxx began, "what's your story? Where you from? What's your life goal? Dreams? Tell me everything!" he said laughing. "well um, I was raised my whole life in this iddy bitty town, I love all kinds of music, mostly heavy metal and rock. And obviously black veil brides is my favorite band!" I said winking at him. He laughed and said "it better be!"we sang along to the radio, laughing and having a really good time together.

We soon got to Pizza Hut. We got 3 pizzas, and with a lot of begging on my part, I got Jinxx to buy me one of those cookie pizzas. We shared it on the way home. "so where exactly are your parents? Are they on vacation? Or are you just mature enough to live alone?"he winked laughing. My parents. I knew he would ask at some point. "they're away. For a long time."I said trying not to let my voice crack. Their death anniversary was tomorrow. Of all days, why did the band have to get lost today?
Authors note:
Hello! So um this was the first chapter and I hope you like it! And thank you so much for reading!

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