Great Minds Think Alike

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A/N: So I finished Ozark a little while ago and this idea popped into my head. They are... so similar. Honestly I could write a much longer fanfic about them but lack of motivation 😔 This wasn't meant to be shipping but idk it just happened lol.


Evil was a strange thing. It came in many forms, some more unexpected than others. Some of it came in the allure of devilish temptation, riveting conversation, and encapsulating thought that devoured the mind and soul.

It was a complex mess, especially when it came to humanity and their shifting ideas and morality. A good case of this would be one Walter Hartwell White, a highschool chemistry teacher-turned drug kingpin. Once a mild-mannered family man, Mr White had slipped into a descent of madness and deceit, becoming the deadly criminal past him would've been horrified at the very thought of.

At the moment, however, there was no such criminality. If one saw him in the bar, they wouldn't assume him to be anything more than a sad old loner. He hummed to himself, leaning against the bar. His drink was half-finished.

His lungs were burning, forcing him to suppress a cough. The cancer was crawling through him, the bane of his existence, the push to end everything that was. Ultimately, it was the accursed disease that had changed everything. It had not only destroyed his lungs, but it had destroyed the entirety of his being, as well. Who was the man before the cancer had set in? Certainly no monster, like the disease itself.

The dread drove him mad, drove him to the brink of insanity. He couldn't take them anymore, especially not around his family. He had gotten in his car and taken off, driving all the way to the Lake of the Ozarks. A notorious area, especially for the cartel, but it was as if Walter cared right now. He did not want to be Heisenberg in a place like this.

Thus, with the midlife-crisis hanging over his shoulder, he had headed into a bar, slumping onto a chair. A blur of words and a motion of hands, and a drink was in front of him. He sipped, slowly.

It was then he noticed a woman was sitting nearby him. She was blonde, middle-aged, a steely gaze in her eyes. She seemed to be the same age as him, more or less. Walter couldn't pinpoint it, but somehow, he could tell that she was like him. Was it a gut feeling? Or something more?

She caught his eye. He sipped his drink, staring right back. The tension could've been cut with a knife.

"You from around here?" she asked. She was from North Carolina, judging by her accent.

"Not really," he replied, casually. "I needed a break from family."

"Ah yeah," she nodded, understanding. "I get that, trust me."

The bartender came over; she took a moment to order a drink. She turned back to face Walter.

"You seem tired," she said.

Walter shrugged. "I've been... busy."

(Understatement of the century.)

"Tell me about it," the woman agreed. "It's just... so much stress recently. Things keep on dog piling."

She smiled as the bartender handed over her drink.

"Life is a pain," Walter grunted.

"Looks like you and I are one in the same," the woman chuckled.

She was pretty. She reminded Walter of his wife, but... no, she wasn't quite the same. She had a different kind of energy. An alluring aura. She was a temptress in human skin. She was dangerous.

Hadn't Walter seen enough of the worst of the worst? Was that not Walter himself? But he wanted to keep talking anyway.

"You..." he turned back to the woman. "You're not local?"

Great Minds Think Alike [Breaking Bad x Ozark]Where stories live. Discover now