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After surviving the first date with Saul Carolyn knew he was the man of her dreams. He told Carolyn she didn't have to work after a full month of seeing Saul he wanted her to bring everything to his house, they got married in move completely in with him, and her kids. Carolyn use to enjoy cooking, cleaning, and fixing breakfast and dinner for her husband every day and night. Being a good caregiver to Saul. He promised her that he would fix his business situation concerning his ex's wife. And he did everything he can do not to upset Carolyn within several years of their marriage. He paid all their bills and gave her a salary and any other thing she ask for with an already paid home.He wouldn't let no one talk about his wife. He was quite the protector she needed in her life. But who knows that skeletons comes out of the closets. Going into the 4 years of marriage she asked her husband did he took care of that business between his ex's wife. He states that he's working on it. But the whole time he was yet working , texting, and calling  Julie. When Carolyn hears him on the phone with her she didn't let him know she just collecting what she needs just in case he try's to lie. So after 6 years she have found some much on Saul that her Love was fading away. She cried many tears hoping he would turn this around instead he drifted further away with lies and deceptions. He got so far into it,  He starts to believe his own lies. During the 6 year Carolyn decided to show him proof of paperwork she found on him, voicemail messages from other women and texts messages. See the proof was indeed in the pudding. With all the receipts Carolyn had Saul yet denied it, leaving Carolyn with a broken heart. Carolyn was In Love with Saul to the point she taught he would never hurt her. The things Carolyn found while been married to Saul. He had his home still in his other ex's wife name. He was talking about he still in Love with one of his ex's wife. He completely given that same one permission to set up his Social Security and gave her rights to everything he own. He was talking with his other ex's wife and told one of them that was gone still pay their house house even though they were divorced and he worked for her to pay her house off. He was giving them money without letting his wife know. He was making all the wrong move without including Carolyn. She was so in distress because of Saul. She later learned supposedly Mr. Right was indeed wrong. He was Narcissistic and unbelievable. But Carolyn found out even though the complete mess he made that she still loved him and she just could stop love like that. So she talked with him on the phone about his plans of turning the marriage back around so they can reconcile, But Saul being the jerk he was completely washed it from his memory. When Carolyn gets angry she bring things up to Saul about the letters, text messages, and voicemails to remind Saul he's yet walking on egg shells with her. Every time he thinks he getting comfortable she reminds him. She would stay out late and go to the clubs and wear thongs with short dresses to get under Saul skin. She do whatever she could do to push Saul over the edge. She was so hurt and still loved Saul. He knew rhetorical her love she had for him that she would still love him no matter what. Carolyn tried leaving town to get away from Saul but still loves him she ends up staying in touch with Saul tries to get her divorce but Saul refused to sign the papers. She wished that Saul would have found anyone other than her. She started working two jobs not asking Saul for nothing hoping that will give positive signals letting Saul know he has her own money. Her whole attitude changed when she realizes Saul is yet in control because he knows he yet have her heart!

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