Unprepared Encounter

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(DISCLAIMER: This fanfiction is littered with Head-cannons self assumptions and interpretations. Enter at your own risk.)

Another week, another Monday. Grumbles of agony escaped her weasley mouth. She never liked Mondays. That was probably the only thing that the rest of the world would agree with her. She didn't feel like bringing her guitar with her; besides, they weren't going to practice anyway. Although, she hoped that they would practice every day. Since their first gig with all of them together is in a week from now.

For one, she could spend more time with her only friends in this cold cold world and she doesn't have to fill that time contemplating the meaning of life. Yes, she does that every night, with the occasional cringe memories that slipped into her mind. Curse her good memorizing skills!

And now here she was, standing in front of the school. Even though she's been going to this school for two months, she still felt the need to psych herself before entering. "Guess character development doesn't come that fast does it?" A low chuckle came from her mouth before she felt someone bump her shoulder with theirs.

The push sent Bocchi off balance, almost making her fall. "Oh sorry." A voice in front of her apologised. She looked up to see a boy a fair bit taller than her with very messy black hair which seemed oddly cool to her. A streak of gold in his hair on the right side of his head catches her eye. She has never seen that before. Similarly, gold eyes stared at her.


"O-oh um." Words stick to her tongue unable to escape her mouth.

" Sorry for bumping into you. "

"Y-yeah i-its fine." She tried her hardest to form a smile but what came out was an awkward grin which visibly unsettled the boy.

"Right, um I'll be going now." The boy turned around and walked away, never to be seen again. Maybe. But what does she know? She's too busy cringing at what she just did.

'Another piece to add to the mountain of bad memories.' She grumbled before finally heading to class and just to bite at her mental health once more the bell began to ring. 'Oh, crap.' Well, what a great way to start the day. And a terrific day it was.


"A new band?" A look of confusion was plastered on Nijika's face.

"Well, this isn't their debut or anything, just their first gig in Starry." The older woman took a sip of her drink. "They're called 'Good Kid'." She tried her best not to butcher it but English was never her subject.

The mention of the name 'Good Kid' piqued Bocchi's interest. "An English name?" She mumbles to herself. It was a strange name. It was a rarity that a band would be named in English.

"I think I've heard of them before." The blue-haired bassist said with her usual monotone expression. Nijika turned to Ryo with an eyebrow raised.


"Well, I haven't listened to any of their songs, All I know is their lead vocalist and drummer are from America."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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