Just The Beginning 1

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"Ugh time is going by so slow"Charlie muttered underneath of her breath so the teacher wouldn't hear her. "Excuse me. Charlie? Since your clearly paying attention can you answer this question please?" Oh uh sure. How could I be so dumb! Charlie thought. "I believe it is-" RING RING" Charlie grabbed her book bag and ran out of the classroom with her best friend Poppy. Poppy laughed" I can't believe you got out of that question" Charlie nudged her to the side"shut up" Charlie said." Can't-wait to play truth or dare.They both said at the same time. They were both giggling and decided to have a race to Poppy's house."ready?" Yelled poppy "3........2.........1!!!!! GOOOOO!!"Racing to the house there was lots of falls and pushing each other over it was so much fun!" I'm gonna get their first loser!"yelled Charlie. She opened the door and slammed it in poppy's face and ran upstairs. "Rude"muttered poppy. She opened the door in defeat and ran upstairs. They grabbed their flash flights from off of the dresser and flicked
of the light switch and sat down on the carpet. "Ready?" Poppy made in a deep voice to sound scary. "That was a pathetic voice, if you were trying to scare me it most definitely did not work" said Charlie" Shut up!" Both laughing poppy asked if she was ready to play truth or dare. Charlie nodded her head in excitement and said "more ready then I'll ever be let the
games begin!

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