Fallen In Love

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-Narinder's POV-

I watched as Lambert played with a bunch of the followers children. He picked them up and twirled around a few times before putting them back down and sometimes, he'd put a kid on his shoulders and chase the other kids, pretending he was a beast and the kid was his commander. It was honestly very funny.

I stared at Lambert the entire time. I was mesmerized by his smiles, his laughs, his personality.

My thoughts were interrupted by someone tapping me on the shoulder. "IM NOT THINKING ABOUT ANYTHING!" I yelled, whipping around to look at whoever tapped me, and was met by Ratau's confused eyes.

"The hell are you screaming about?" He asked. "Nothing." I replied. Ratau gave me another confused look.

"You like him, don't you?" He asked. "Huh!?" I exclaimed, my face red. "You like my boy, Lambert. I see the way you look at him." Ratau replied.

I looked back over at Lambert, who was still playing with the kids. The more I stared, the more he lit up my world.

"Yes. I love him." I answered at last. "Heh, thought so." Ratau chuckled. "Is it that obvious?" I asked with a chuckle. "Well, duh! I'll bet at least half the cult knows! They all see the way you stare at him." Ratau responded. "At least half the cult?" I asked. "Yup. But you hear me, you better treat my boy right or else." He snarled. "Understood, Mr. DadRat." I agreed. He laughed.

"Nari!" A familiar voice called out. I looked over to see Lambert looking at me. "Come play with us!" He shouted. "Yeah!" All the kids yelled. "We're gonna play Steal The Soul, and you're the soul stealer!" A cat child yelled. I smiled.

"Alright, I'm gonna take your souls!" I yelled, running towards them with my arms in the air and chased them as they ran away, screaming playfully.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: I came up with that game on the spot. It's basically Tag but with a different name.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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