The big bad wolf

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Im walking through the forest, hands in pockets
Fiddling with my dabloons.

I see a cottage deep in the swamp.
Wading through the sludge, I can feel the mud in-between my toes.
Not fun.

I'm now closer to the house when I hear an older voice.

"Hello dear! Care to help an old lady out?"
I turn to see an older looking frog just outside the house.
I continue to wade toward the house eventually making it to the bottom steps.

If you could please wash yourself, there's a hose and pad to your left."

I walk over and wash my paws.


I turn to see a BIG frog.

"Oh that's dumpy"

"Dumpys a freaking unit mate!"

We both laugh.
She gestures inside and I follow her.

"I have so much yarn. An old lady like me can't hold it all.
Would you mind taking some with you?"

I say yes to her and gather some of the yarn to put into my bag.

"Thank you for for helping me! Please, have some dabloons!"

She hands me 12 of the coins.

"Would you like a meal and a room to stay in? It's getting quite dark out and I'm sure you don't have a place near by."

I nod.

She then shows me where I'll be staying.

It's a nice room with a king size bed, a fireplace right a cross, a big glass sliding door to the left, a tv on the mantle, and two nightstands on each side of the bed.

I turn around to thank her only to not see anyone there.

I return to the kitchen curious as to where she went when I see her pouring something into a bowl.

"Come, eat! I'm sure your quite hungry with all of the traveling that you've been doing!"

She hands me a bowl of dumpling soup and brings a chocolate cake from her pantry.

"And for dessert" She smiles.


I Finnish eating when she says, "go ahead and go into your room. I'm going to grab some pajamas. I think I may have some in your size."

I nodd and walked back to my room, starting the fireplace when I hear a knock.

"It's not the newest, but I'm sure it will be more comfortable than what your wearing now"

She hand me a nightgown that seemed to be from 40 years ago. It looked brand new.

I thank her and close the door walking over to the glass door to close the blinds so I can change (even though theres most likely No one outside.) And start to get ready for bed.


I wake up to the sound of chirping and dumpy croaking as loud as froggily possible.

I sit up and stretch ready for the day when I hear a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I say curious as to what the old frog would want.

She opens the door. "Hello dear! I hope you slept well. Breakfast is on the table and i have something to give you when you leave. "

I thank her deeply, getting up to get ready to leave. She closes the door and I get changed.

I walk out to see her earing waffles and a plate set out for me next to her.

"I've been here for a day now and I still don't know your name!" I say sitting down in my seat.

"I could say the same for you." She chuckles.
"My name is Maryanne! And yours?"

"It's Josephine." I say taking a bite of my food.


"I'm surprised you even said hi. After all I am a wolf." I say sheepishly (ironic)

She responds with a kind smile "I know the stories. Eating old ladies and blowing down houses. But I saw something in you yesterday. Something telling me that you just needed a place to stay for a night."

I start to cry.

She looks at me worried "oh dear, did I say something wrong?"

"No- no" I wipe my tears.
"I'm terribly sorry for outburst. It's just that my grandmother was killed a week ago by someone in a red hood. And I was seeking revenge for her when I stumbled upon your place."

"Oh sweetie.." Maryanne stand up and Huggs me. " I am so sorry for your loss."

"It's allright. Thanks to you, my heart has softened."

She smiles at me wiping the rest of my tears. " violence is never the answer. I'm glad I was able to help you." She sits back down.

"Just so you know, you will always have a place in my home. Just knock!"


I Finnish eating my food and collect my things.
Maryanne walks me to the door grabbing the present to give me.

"For your travels. And a way to remember me."

I open it to see 100 dabloons and a knitted frog and wolf that look just like us.

I hug her, starting to cry again.

"I hope to see you again someday!" I say in a quiet yelp.

"Oh goodness" She said.
"I hope to see you too. Love is the best antidote." She said smiling.

I pull away and open the door. Putting away the things she gave me, dumpy jumps onto my head.

"DUMPY! Haha you scared me!" We laughed.
He just croaked.

Walking down the steps, I hear Maryanne say, "have safe travels! Hopefully you are able to find more family somewhere soon!"

I turn around and wave. She waves back.

I continue walking eventually through the forest far enough that I could no longer see her little cottage.
I look up to the sky.

"Thank you grandmother."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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