Untitled Part 1 (yes that is going to be the title lol)

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-Draco's Pov-

"My whole life has felt like a written story, and I the protagonist of my own, but playing the villain in everyone elses. I've always felt like I was a reader, of my own story, that is. I never really had a say in its creation. I contributed a few edits here and there but, since birth, I've always followed the path set out in front of me, just one page after the other.

All the chapters of my life had been drafted before I was born, my parents being the sole authors of my future. By the time I was just starting to walk and talk, they were already teaching me the words to the story they had planed and started, and I, the main character, was to follow the plot according to their ideas and thoughts.

My parents were raised this way too, and can hardly be blamed, for they know no better. I, on the other hand, have met and befriended others whose story they write themselves, and have been exposed to other inks and paper, and other adventures that could await me beyond the scripted pages. Alas, by the time I had realized this, it was too late. The ink from my book had already spilled into others and, unfortunately, dried before I could change the words.

This has pesented me with a known style and recognizable look, a book that can't go unnoticed, therefore I am stuck with the words that have been spoken, and the actions that have been written in permant stains.

All this goes to say, everyone thinks I'm an asshole, and they are not entirely wrong, though not completely right."

Draco sighed as he dipped his quill once more and wrote the entry as "Untitled, #1", before setting down his peacock feathered quill, closing his ink bottle, and shutting his journal, sliding under his pillow as he got into bed.


8th year, blah blah blah, redemption, blah blah blah, roomates, blah blah blah, house unity, you know the usual etc etc.

This is just something I'm playing around with, not sure how far I'm going to continue it but if ppl like I will definitely do something with it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2023 ⏰

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