A new student

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It was a drizzly morning in Australia,and Aryan was still in bed.
"Hello"Aryan it's morning....that was the the sound coming from aryan's alarm, she quickly got up and went to the bathroom to bath.
She quickly got dressed and went downstairs for Breakfast.
After breakfast she locked her house and went to school,on getting to school every where was so crowdy and noisy and she went to her class and met everybody talking and gossiping.                                                               She was still settling down when Isabel Aryan,s friend came to her sit.   "Do you know what happening "Isabel asked ,"no and what's is happening" aryan asked "we have a new student , it's a boy Isabel said excitedly ,it that "why you are so excited he not the first new student we are having in this school "Aryan replied hey hello Aryan "hey"hello haven't you heard the famous Audrey ronwaldos,the big music producers in the country, he is not just an ordinary boy, he is rich!!! and very handsome Isabel replied screaming“can you please keep it down and,and what if he is rich should I start worshipping him or•••• aryan could not finish her statement because the teacher came in .
     Hello class, the teacher greeted, hello Mrs wand the class chrused, as you know we have a new student in our school and has been posted to your classroom.
     Everyone was excited especially Isabel who have been longed craving for him to be in their classroom.
   "Welcome Audrey ronwaldos"Mrs Wang said pointing at the door as Audrey walked into the classroom he was a very handsome boy with blue crystal eyes well built he was wearing a white button up shirt with a black trouser with a white sneakers with a black back pack.
   Everyone was amazed at how handsome he was he was so good looking that all the girls started looking at him lustfully.
     "Aryan"Mrs Wang called out ,Aryan who has been busy with her books , stood up .
    " Yes ma".she replied."you will take Audrey around the school for orientation .Mrs Wang ordered ,yes ma she replied and Mrs Wang and left .
    Everyone was still stunned by Audrey good look and kept staring at him as the girls all winked to get his attention . but he ignored and sat down .
   After school ,Aryan was still working on school project, when Audrey appeared in front of her.
   "Ain't we going somewhere"?Audrey asked  ,oh I completely forget , sorry just a sec she said and packed her stuff in her blue back pack and they left .
    They walked round the school when they got to the library Aryan showed him the different section of the library ,"what types of books do you love reading "Aryan asked he smiled at her and said "you might find this strange but I love vampires book" ,you seen this book he said and grab a book title "urgent things you need to know about vampire "I love this book very much"Audrey told Aryan ."why will some one love vampire novel very much "Aryan instinct said."if I may asked why do love vampire novel ",Aryan asked . "Well I find it very interesting and scary I even have lot of vampire film"Audrey replied , Aryan found it strange for someone to love vampire novel but smiled at him.
    They move from the library section to the hall "this is where we hold any event or parties,"Aryan told him ,"not bad"Audrey said rolling his eye to inspect the room ,Aryan was walking round when suddenly she slipped she closed her eye waiting for her butt to land on the hard floor but instead she felt a strong arm wrapped around her waist , she open her eyes slowly and saw Audrey with her hand in his chest she stared into his blue eyes ,the moment was special ,just mere second there was like an hour it's seems like everything froze like that were in some kind of zeeworld movie until she quietly stood upright and apologize ,then they went to the sport field .

After that orientation ,they both walking to the bus stop when Aryan stomach groaned she stared down feeling embarrassed  and Audrey notice her behavior and chuckle , "you must be very hungry" Audrey said , "not at all I am not hungry" Aryan said and her stomach groaned again she face and the floor looking more embarrassed and Audrey smiled and they both went to the school cafeteria and both placed their order in a short while their order arrived and they both started eating in comfortable silence untill Aryan broke it "so how did you find out school " Aryan said "I love it I think I have found a friend" Audrey said smiling cutely at Aryan "who" Aryan asked curiosity ,"hmmm you of course you really helped me a lot today" he said still smiling at her .
      She immediately felt uneasy and uncomfortable , "sorry but I have to leave now I will miss my bus if I don't go on time",she said and left without waiting for Audrey replied "oh he forgot to give me her number regardless I will ask her tomorrow " he said and left in his luxurious car.

A/n: This is actually my first book here please comment I will really appreciate
   Lot of love
          Anna ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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