A Bucket

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(child Leona POV??)

I jumped off the balcony skillfully as my hand held onto the  railing tightly, there was no way I was gonna stay in that dumb room! Just 'cuz I was born after Falena I'm not loved , I hate this. I slid down the roof of the palace as I looked at where the guards are, I've done this many times, this'll be easy. I quickly climbed down at an empty spot, landing down on my two feet swiftly.

Hah! I'm better at this than Falena, he sucks at climbing when it comes against me. Yet to them he's great, I scoffed at the thought of that. I hid behind the wall looking around for witnesses, none! I quickly ran behind a barrel to hide just incase, if I'm to get caught I'm gonna be in big trouble. And when I say big trouble I mean BIG. After sneaking around for a while I finally got out of the palace borders. I ran as if I was being chased by a monster.

I layed down under a tree tired from all that, "Jeez that was tiring." I huffed trying to get my breath back to a normal pace. The sun gleamed happily as it's rays blinded my sight, I groaned in annoyance as I sat up. Can't a guy get some rest?

*SPLASH!!* "GAH!!" I jumped as I looked at myself, all wet and cold now. Same time this water did come in handy, Sunset Savanna is hot. Wait- where did it come from anyways?!! I looked above my head to see a kid above me, "Ahaha... sorry?" They said with a touch of guilt in their voice, I looked at them scoffing as I turned around. "Apology not accepted." I said roughly.

I heard them struggle to climb down while I heard another sound come from them. *BONK!!* "OWW!! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" I said angrily, I rubbed the top of my head to relieve the pain. They panicked as they picked themselves up, "I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to hit you or spill water on you!!" Their gaze faced the floor as I stared daggers at them. I wanted to slap them but knowing that would be immature of me to do that and the consequences from Father I held it back. Dumb kid, "Watch where your buckets going, dummy." I said trying act tough, I quickly turned my head away from them.

I heard their bucket sway in their hands as I guessed they lifted their head up, silence passed between the two of us. Jeez when's this weirdo gonna go?! I ain't got all day!! They stood there for a while as my patience ticked away. "Uhmm.. thank you," They said quietly but thanks to my amazing hearing, I heard it.

"Hmph! You should be. I could've gotten really badly hurt." I said still not facing them, and to be honest. I can stand a little bucket and water, that's no problem for me. "Plus I could get my guards to kill you if I wanted to!" I bluffed, "So be more careful!!" I said finally facing them. They had tears running down their cheeks as boogers started to run down, they looked... like an absolute baby. Crybaby, I was just warning them to be more careful.

*hic* "I-I real-lly am sor-rry.." They said as the wiped their nose with their shirt exposing their tummy. UHHHHH, WHAT DO I DO?? I JUST MADE SOMEONE CRY, WHAT DO I DO?? I panicked inside as I kept my composer clam on the outside, "Be quiet, o-or else I'll throw you in the dungeon!!" I said, maybe this'll shut 'em up!! "..." They stopped cr- "WAHHHHHH!!" They cried loudly as tears flowed down like a water fall.

Uh oh... they cried as I scrambled up making my way towards them. They won't stop crying what do I do?! I looked at them at their state, dirty clothes and a crybaby face. "GO AWAY!!" They said pushing me away as they tried getting away. They.. they just pushed me?! Thankfully their push was quite powerless so I was still on my feet, "Hey!! Wait!" I said reaching for them, I managed to get their wrist before they could run away. Their eyes were like pink from crying and cheeks puffy, I sighed, "I'm sorry..." I said reluctantly, "I didn't mean to frighten you or make you cry." I said trying to make sound real enough as I looked directly at them. A book said that direct eye contact is a good thing while communicating.

They just looked at me blankly, the wind blew a cold breeze swaying the tree above, the sun glowed above us as the trees shadow moved with the tree's motion. "Mmm..." They tanked their arm put of my grip, "Hey! Come back!!" They kept running until I couldn't see their silhouette. This what I get for letting down my guard, isn't it? And I even gave them a apology, the audacity! I huffed in annoyance, "Hmph!!" I sat down below the tree.

Not like I'm gonna see them again anyways, I closed my eyes as I got comfortable to nap under the tree with the sun's warm rays hit me every now and then keeping me warm. Maybe next time I'll actually throw them in the dungeon, I thought to myself. Dumb kid.


"There you are." My eyes shot open as a hand went for me, and out of relfex I punched the person making groan in pain. "Argh!- It's not my fault you chose to run away." It was one of Dad's knights, "Com'n, let's get you back to the palace." He said annoyed, I got up as he grabbed my arm, I stole one last glance at the tree. I'll find out who you are and I'll hit you back with a bucket and spill water on you. I walked off as the sun set, maybe one day I'll be able to talk to them again.

Authors note!! : I feel like kid Leona's out of character but idk, I tried showing arrogance and him making dumb decisions like how all kids make. I hope this is okay lol. Thanks for reading this if you are! 💫

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2023 ⏰

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