Lunix club prologue and facts

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Planets (facts & the prologue)

1,000 years have passed since the Winx Club earned their Believix powers. These Believix powers allow the Winx to help people to believe in fairies and bring back magic. Now that two planets Magix and Terranova have collided and combined as one. Alfea college for fairies, Cloudtower school for witches, and Redfountain school for specialists are on this new planet called Earth. Terranova is a planet that got collided with Magix. It's not a very magical planet, although it looked very beautiful in a sense that was very much indescribable. Some forests looked like pretty meadows, and flowers bloomed like it was unreachable but amazingly gorgeous. There were sycamore trees that grew up until the clouds were high.

Winx club facts

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Winx club facts

The story plays 1,000 years after the Winx had earned their believix powers. Which would have made the Winx girls already dead. The school name has still stayed the same after the Winx club had died, and yet Alfea is still for fairies, Redfountain is still for Specialist, and Cloudtower is still for witches. After 1,000 years (after the Winx had gotten their believix power) a new generation of fairies is yet soon to come.

In this book, the lunix club, you will learn about the characters, where the main characters come from, their backstories, and why they choose to come to earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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