Part one

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Friday. 11:30pm.

Everything started to slow down, and blend together. The girl to my left smiled at me and kept dancing, the guy in front of me closed his eyes and swayed, we were in our own little bubble, dancing in a room crowded with people without noticing anyone. I looked down to see the drink in my hand was empty, it was only my third drink but I was definitely feeling it, and it felt good. I haven't thought about him at all tonight, and I'm having fun.

Jill walks into the middle of the dance floor where we are, and she tells me we have to leave now. I don't want to go, I put my arms over her shoulders and start dancing to the music. We know we have to leave, but neither of us want to; she starts dancing with me. Her hands slide around my waist as we move closer, moving with the beat. I close my eyes and feel my body moving with hers, the music in my stomach, and nothing going through my mind.

"We seriously need to leave now, it's almost midnight" Jill says as she grabs my hand to leave.

I'm brought back to reality, my curfew is midnight and I really have to leave. I hold her hand and follow her out of the dance floor. I look around to take in the last moments of tonight, and to my left I see him. Jake. He's standing there looking perfect, I can't help but let go of Jill and walk over to him.

"Hi" He says to me in the most casual voice possible, which slightly annoys me.

A girl behind him walks up to me and introduces herself "Hey i'm Sanya, what's ur name?"

"Bella" I say, trying to be polite. I can't help but notice how pretty she is. Dark hair with bouncy spirals, dark brown eyes and a gorgeous smile.

"What a beautiful name!" She smiles and turns to her friend.

I so badly want to ask who that is and what he's doing with her, but I don't.

"I met them at the bar in town" Jake says answering the question I didn't ask.

"Nice" I say, trying to seem as cool as possible, "well, I gotta go now, nice to see you"

He nodds and takes a sip from his drink. I turn away and walk towards Jill, who is standing by the stairs looking at me with a sort of disappointment on her face. What I want to do is turn back and kiss him, but I don't, I look down as I walk back to the car. I'm walking up the steep driveway up the road now, I pull out my phone and open Jake's chat on whatsapp; I typed "hey, I miss you" and sent it. I usually would consult with Jill about this kind of thing, but I knew if I told her she wouldn't let me send it, so I quickly put my phone away.

The car ride home is bumpy, I drift in and out of sleep.


I open my eyes and see the ground moving beneath me, but I'm not walking, Nate is carrying me to my house. I feel him put me down in my bed and put the blanket over me. I open my eyes and reach for my phone that he plugged in and put next to me on my bed. There's two messages from Jake, all the possibilities of his response fill my mind. I open it to see a picture of him and Sanya is in the chat, with the message "I know" underneath. I don't answer, he doesn't deserve a response. My mind goes straight to disappointment and sadness, why would he send a picture with some random girl he just met, and who does he think he is saying I know. A tear rolls down the side of my cheek, I fall asleep.


My name is Bella, I'm 17 and I live on a little island in Central America. I live alone with my mom. I have a sister but she lives with her boyfriend; sometimes we go out for coffee together. Jill, the girl I was dancing with, is my best friend. The guy that was dancing with us is Alex, I just met him, I mean technically we've known eachother since kindergarten, but I don't remember that so I'll just say I just met him. Nate is one of my good friends, he's pretty much the nicest male person i've ever met. Oh and Jake, well, you'll learn plenty about him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 ⏰

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