That's my drunk idiot

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Yao was sitting at home with his roommate Ivan drinking alcohol and watching some movies, to pass the time. Ivan had a couple of drinks but Yao was the one that had gotten himself rather drunk after drinking about six bottles of cruisers. If it weren't for the fact that his face felt like it was red and hot then he probably would've forgotten that he had been drinking so much tonight, Ivan was sitting on the couch with one of his arms over Yao's shoulders as he had been having some light conversation with Yao about anything that came to mind really.

"Heyy...Hey! Ivan.." Yao asked, his words were slightly slurred but that didn't stop him from trying to talk to his roommate who he loved so much. Ivan smiled as he looked down at Yao then turned his attention back to the movie briefly "Yes, Yao?" he asked.

Yao paused, he was silent for a long time before he spoke up again "Oh! Um...waaaait.. if iiiii like you. and you like me! let's like...I dunno like date like. You kno" He said as he giggled to himself like it was the funniest thing in the world. Ivan chuckled as he looked down at Yao again."What?"

No!- no!! shut up!- Shut the fuck up for a second!!" Yao exclaimed trying to speak normally but due to the fact he was highly intoxicated and had way too much alcohol to drink tonight made it damn near impossible for him to have a normal conversation with Ivan right now. Yao lied down on the couch as he felt the pain in his stomach come back again from drinking all the alcohol so fast, he let out a low 'mnnnhhh...' sound of pain as he lied down. Ivan sighed as he ran his fingers through Yao's hair. "what did I tell you earlier?" He asked.

"eat something before you start drinking...and don't drink it too fast..." Yao responded after a few seconds."and what did you do?""drank it too fast...""and?""..." Yao paused again before he spoke up to answer the question. "drank it without eating something first" Ivan shook his head "What am I going to do with you? You're such an idiot" "Yeah? And I like your stupid face. It's so stupid. It's so... I like it. Can I touch it?" Yao retorted but his harsh tone didn't last as it quickly turned into more of a question, Ivan chuckled at that. "You are so cute~" "Shut up..." Yao grumbled, as he went back to watching the movie but the silence between them didn't last for very long however since Yao was very chatty while drunk.

"I have a confession.." He said to Ivan.
"oh?" The Russian asked his roommate, Yao hesitated for a moment before he spoke up and said "I'm gay"
Ivan just laughed at that which caused Yao to hit him in the leg "I'm serious!" he exclaimed.
"no, I'm not making fun of you- It's just funny because I know this told me" Ivan explained. "Oh..." Yao trailed off but he soon remembered what he was going to say as he looked up at Ivan again. "You didn't answer my question!" He pouted, Ivan scratched the back of his neck and looked away from hos roommate sheepishly "sorry..what was it?" he asked.
Yao sighed as he asked again, "I said..I like your stupid face. It's so stupid. It's so... I like it. Can I touch it?"

Ivan giggled a bit at that, Yao was...very interesting and amusing when he was drunk like this. Ivan winced in pain slightly when the other had hit him in his leg again "Stop laughing at me Ivan!" Yao whined.
"sorry- sorry, it's just funny..." Ivan said after he took a few moments to compose himself again, he pulled his hand back when Yao had slowly sat up again. "I think I'm gonna go to bed..."
"oh, you sure?" Ivan asked and Yao nodded. "Mhm...stomache and stuff.." "Okay, well at least let me carry you upstairs so you don't hurt yourself" Yao groaned at that but reluctantly nodded. "Fine, whatever.." he grumbled as Ivan had picked him up bridal style to carry him upstairs. Yao blushed lightly at the sudden gesture as he held onto Ivan.

Once they got upstairs Ivan gently placed Yao down on the bed in his room. "There" He said to Yao who let out a soft 'mhm' in response. "Oh, by the way Yao"
"Yeah?" Yao asked as he looked up at Ivan who smiled softly as he placed a kiss on the other's forehead. "Your question is silly~ Why are you asking me such things when we've been dating for five years at this point?" He asked yao who just turned over and groaned into the pillow "I hate you."
"I love you too, dear now try and get some sleep okay?" Ivan told him then left the room. Yao didn't respond instead he just laid in bed as he waited for sleep to take him when his roommate and lover left him alone with his thoughts and feelings.

A/N: Hey guys and thank you so much for reading this fic! It means a lot to me :D
I know it's a bit more on the shorter side but it was still a lot of fun for me to write all the same! Feel free to let me know what you think and I might try do more short little Oneshot stories in the future who knows.
That's all for me have a good day everybody, bye!
- Smokey

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