Chapter one

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Lo'ak had made sure his brothers, sisters and Tsireya made it out of the boat first but in doing so left himself completely vulnerable to attacks. As he leaped into the water he felt a sharp, burning pain and gasped clinching the wound. He knew what it meant when a wound this close to his heart started to bleed so much.

Lo'ak watched as his siblings had climbed onto rocky shores in the middle of the reef and smiled. At least it wasn't any of them. He could feel Payakan coming close to him sounding mournful as he smiled sadly at the tulkun. He felt himself get lifted out of the water, then felt the sharp edges of the rock below him. Hearing his brother's frantic screams.

He groaned when he was placed on the rocks and looked to see his Na'vi and human family staring at him with widened eyes. "L-looks... bad?" He saw the group grimace before he heard his mother's cry of his name and he turned to see her coming up to him, with his father close behind.

At least he'll be dying with his family all with him. As his parents came up to the small group he could barely keep his eyes open feeling the pull of sleep he knew he would never wake up from. He heard his mother gasp at seeing the blood constantly flowing from the wound and seeping onto the rocks below.

His father ran frantically to the other side of him and tried to apply pressure to the wound to stop it from bleeding which caused Lo'ak to whimper in pain. "I know son, but we have to get this bleeding under control........ just hang in there okay? I can't lose you, Lo'ak."

Lo'ak could feel his strength fading faster than it did moments ago but just looked at father. "I-I'm sorry, dad. N-not gonna make it." He felt his father flinch and heard his mother's wail of agony. Feeling her clench his arm in support.

"No! You are gonna be fine, Lo'ak! We'll get you patched up and then we'll head home." Home, that sounded nice. Finally when he finally felt at home he gets shot. He grimaced when his vision started to slip. "Proud...... t-to be a part o-of this fam-family. Y-you're my h-home."

His heart fluttered in his chest a final time before his eyes glazed over half lidded as if he were staring up into the sky deep in thought. Tsireya who was standing next to Spider and Kiri gasped when she saw the life fade from what could have been her future mate's eyes and started to sob.

"Lo'ak? Lo'ak?! LO'AK!" Neytiri frantically grabbed at her son looking for any sign of life before breaking into horrible sobs and wails. Jake who had tried to keep pressure on the wound removed his hands and placed his head on his son's unmoving chest and started to scream.

He had been too hard on his second born just because his first was such a great warrior. He had seen himself so much in Lo'ak that he kept pushing him to do better when he was supposed to be a kid. He was so scared that if he eased up on his discipline he'd lose him.

Lo'ak was selfless when it came down to family and sacrifice. It scared Jake so much that he wanted to know what his son was doing at all times. Now he was cradling his son's face between his hands in grief at failing so much as a father.

"I'm sorry I couldn't protect you, son. I'm so sorry!" As he heard the ear piece in his ear buzz he remembered they were at war. He looked at the ship that was currently on fire and felt his blood boil. Whoever it was that killed his baby was going to pay.

When he stood up and looked at the boat Quaritch's voice came through the ear piece that he had stolen from Lo'ak. "Your boy didn't have to die, Sully. If you had turned yourself in he'd still be here."

Jake hissed under his breath and turned back to his family. He saw his mate crouched over their son's corpse screaming while tears ran down her face. He turned his head to see his oldest staring, shocked at his brother's still face. Once he turned his head to look at Spider and Kiri he noticed they were both holding each other tightly shaking.

He then looked over at the na'vi that his oldest was trying to comfort. She was weeping with her ears back trying to get to Lo'ak. He had noticed the two becoming closer to one another so it broke him more seeing her weep for his now dead baby.

He grabbed Neytiri by her waist and pulled her up away from Lo'ak, which caused her to protest. "No! Please! My son!" Jake turned her around and pulled her to him. "Calm my love. Right now we must stay strong, so we can make them pay for what they did to our son."

Neytiri was still crying when she looked up at Jake and nodded. "I will make them pay for taking my son from me." Jake smiled at his mate, then looked down to his son. He kneeled down and placed a soft kiss to his cold forehead and shut his slightly open eyes.

As he jumped onto his Ilu he felt Neteyam grab his arm. "Be careful, please. I can't lose you too, dad. Let me come with you." Jake shook his head. "I need you to stay and take care of your sisters. I can't lose another son tonight." He watched as Neteyam nodded sadly and turned to his dead brother.

"Make him pay for taking my brother from me, father." Jake smiled sadly at his son. "You really are like your mother." Neteyam didn't say anything else as he placed his hand on his brother's cheek and silently cried.

Jake saw Neytiri climb onto her Ikran and they traveled to the boat. They were going to make sure that demon paid for what he had done.

When Jake made it to the boat he saw Quaritch leaning against a beam. "It's funny, that kid of yours reminded me so much of you. Such a shame he didn't survive." Jake hissed in anger at his old instructor.

"You killed by son! That is unforgivable!" Jake grabbed ahold of his knife he kept on him and started to swing it at Quaritch. This caused the other to laugh dodging each attack. "Your boy thought you wouldn't come for him if his sisters weren't with him."

This caused Jake to almost falter. Of course he would have tried to get Lo'ak back if he was the only one who was kidnapped. His son had to have known that.

Jake kept swinging at Quaritch as the boat sank to the bottom of the reef. Neytiri was beyond furious and started killing everyone on board. She grabbed her bow and aimed for each of their heads and fired. All of Quaritch's men were dead.

Neytiri was in a feral state as she came up to the two fighting men in the middle of the boat. She grabbed her dagger and ran up to Quaritch as he was distracted, plunging her knife into his chest. He stared shocked down at the knife and started to gasp.

The couple hissed at him and he fell to his knees. He gasped for more air while trying to fight the fluid that was flowing into his lungs, taking away his oxygen. The two stayed and watched as he took his final breath and then headed back to the group they had left.

When they arrived Neteyam was cradling Lo'ak in his arms rocking him back and forth singing a song to him. Kiri was infront of Neteyam with her hand gliding through Lo'ak's hair. Everyone else was watching the two with despair written on their faces.

Neytiri went to comfort Neteyam and Kiri, while Jake went to comfort Tuk, Spider, and Tsireya. They both held the children to them as they wept along with the group. Rocking the children in their arms trying to get them to calm down.

Ronal and Torowari swam up to the group with Aonung close behind them on their ilu and stared at the group with sympathetic eyes. "Your child was very brave, Jake Sully." Jake turned to look at Torowari and nodded.

His son had died protecting his siblings, of course that was incredibly brave. He pulled the group he had to Neteyam, Kiri and Neytiri and they all huddled around Lo'ak singing a song.

Neytiri made the mental note of adding a strand of Lo'ak's hair to her beads. She grabbed a strand of his loosely braided hair and cut it with her knife. The others watched as she tucked it into her small bad she carried her dagger in and looked up at everyone.

"I suppose, it is now time to make preparations." The adults nodded and they started to head back to the village.

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