Who is he?

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Don't mind the typos lmao

Ur pov

Laying in bed not wanting anything more then to sleep a little longer.
*Knock Knock* "Y/n are you up yet? It's almost 12!" I hear nanny from outside my door. I didn't want to talk to her right now. I mean I love her but she needs to know that she doesn't need to care for me ever minute of the day like I'm almost 21 what does she want from me. "Yea just a sec" slowly rolling out of bed and taking off my pj's and putting on the itchy dress I walk out where I see nanny waiting for me. "Ah there you are princess your sister has been up for more then 3 hours!" Nanny mocked me "Well I'm not my sister and I never will be.." I say with a cold tone and walk down the hall. Getting close to YumYums room I see Zigzag. Oh dear God this man makes me want to gag he smells and looks like a pig farm. I'm just glad he goes after YumYum and not me. "OH dear princess Y/n I'm glad to see you here" he says. He's hot breath blowing onto my face. Ew. "What do you want ZigHAG" I say with disgust in my eyes. His smile fades a bit after i said that nasty comment. "Heh.. WELL I was wondering if you've seen ur father anywhere" "nope just woke up now get out of my way" I push past him. Why is everyone up my ass today. Walking to YumYums door I Knock *Knock Knock* "yea just a sec" I hear her say. Waiting for about 20 seconds she opens the door. "OH well good morning Y/n" she says with a warm smile. She always makes me feel better. "Hi can I come in.." I say sheepishly "of course" she moves back so I can come in. Walking in a sit on her bed grabbing a pillow and holding it tight. "Is something wrong? You seem detached today what's on ur mind" she says while looking out the window. "Well I don't know everyone won't shut up and leave me alone and I feel so-" "lost, forgotten, depressed, unloved, wanting more" she interrupts "yea.." I say digging my head deep into the pillow. "Well one day we'll find someone for us. And we'll be happy with them and live a long happy life" she says with a warm tone. "But what if I don't want to live a long life.. I want to be out there WEARING PANTS ill feel so free. But I do want to find that someone who won't treat me like I'm just some "princess" I say. "Well Y/n I'm sorry to break it to you but that's not gonn-" "I know.." I say. Getting up I walked to the balcony. Looking at the blue sky but then I hear commotion coming from the doors. Looking down I see Zigzag and his Huntsman dragging this tall pale boy like he was just some worthless sack of potatoes. He wore a dirty white button up and tattered overalls along with a old looking hat. He seems around my age...He looks up to me making eye contact. Although he was far away I can still see his bright blue eyes which makes my heart skip a beat. "Wow what's going on" YumYum says. "I'm not sure.." after saying that she rushes out of the room. But I don't follow. I just stare at the poor boy until he's fully in the Palace making me snap out of my trance. I run down the hall and down the stairs. I run next to father almost hitting him. Fixing my hair along with my dress i stand up straight with my heart racing. Walking in comes Zigzag and the boy... "Oh have no fear Zigzag is here!" Saying Zigzag ugh why won't he shut up for once. "Oh huh...oh it's you Zigzag.." says father. "Um..who is this?" YumYum says with a confusing on her face. I sit quietly looking at the boy. His focus was on the ground until he looked up seeing I was staring at him. Making eye contact I just couldn't break. I tilt my head to the side trying to get a better look at him. Then he followed my movement..I tilt my head to the other side and..he does the same. Putting my head back in position I shack it back in forth in hope I'll get his gaze out of my head but his shy unassuming eyes are so... mesmerizing like the summer sky. They were beautiful. "Oh great king this low born cobbler attack me in the square today! Shall we take his head away?" Lowborn!? Take his head away!? This boy look as if he couldn't hurt a fly! Is this man crazy?! "Yes if you really think so..." says father who wasn't even awake. "But what has he done?!" I yell. "He.." Zigzag took a tack out of the cobblers mouth. "A-TACKED me" this man thinks I'm stupid- "Oh really?" I say as I cross my arms "why yes." He spits back. the cobbler trys to make a sad run for it but trips Zigzag making them both fall. "OH YOU GREAT FOOL" Zigzag yells. This made me laugh seeing Zigzag going head first to the floor. I look over to YumYum seeing her worried face. If we don't think fast their going to kill him! I break my shoe in hopes it will keep him alive for a bit longer. "Oh but daddy it looks like I need.. a cobbler" I say dangling my shoe back and forth "Oh yes of course.." father says. The cobbler walking up to me cowardly taking my shoe in both hands in respect. While handing him my shoe my finger grazed his palm. They were ruff and worn and cut up. This poor boy... Seeing Zigzags face bright red felt like a gift from the heavens "of course oh Rose of the land your simple whim is my command" Zigzag said with a fat fake smile. "Go follow princess Y/n and YumYum..." father muttered. The boy shook his head up and down and came close behind me. Following YumYum and the cobbler following me we all walked to YumYums room so the boy could fix my shoe. I turned around to see how close he was and to make sure he doesn't get lost. When I looked over he was already looking at me with his big puppy eyes just looking at me like I was a painting it made me face heat up. When he noticed I caught him he looked down with a bright red face. I turned back to look at my sister and... she had this big smile. I mouth the words 'shut up' she turned around giggling and opened the door to her room. We all walked in and got comfortable. I saw the cobbler just standing there not doing anything. "You can sit next to me if you like" I said with a small smile. He nods and sat next to me. I watch him fix my shoe when nanny walks in "doing a good job is he?" Nanny ask "Of course he is nanny" YumYum looks over and says "Do cobblers have names?" He nods and fixs nannys glaases with a small screwdriver and quick movement of the wrist "What is ur name?" He looks over at me and YumYum and takes a tack out of his mouth "Tack" he says with a soft voice "Tack? Is that ur name?" YumYum asked with a confused smile "He doesn't have alot to say for him self" Nanny mocked "Tack..." I say quietly. It fits him so well. I'm pretty sure he heard me because he looked at me saying "at ur service" with a awkward tone. YumYum fixing her blue and yellow flowers looked over at me with a smile winking at me which made my face red. 'shh' I mouthed. Looking over at the cobbler and his work I see he puts a golden heart on my shoe. This made me flush. He glanced over at me with a Rosie pink cheeks we look away from each other in embarrassment. Ugh why am I acting like this its so embarrassing.  "Princess YumYum it's time for ur bath now" Nanny said "ok nanny don't have to much fun you two 'wink wink' " YumYum poked fun at us "Yums be quite" i said with my jaw locked quietly with a red face. Looking over at Tack I see his face red with wide eyes "d-dont mind her" I say nervously "how is the work coming along?" I ask. He looks up and smiles. "That's good" I stare at him as his attention was on my shoe. He's so.. nice most of the time when I meet a man he'll ask my hand in marriage which makes me crazy uncomfortable I don't even know their name before they ask me but hes just so cute with his big eyes and soft demeanor I never met someone like him.
15 minutes later
A little while of watching the cobbler fix my shoe a foul stench enters the room. A small green elf looking man goes back to back with Tack. Tack takes the man in his arms and filped him over his back with a hard thud. The green man grabs my shoe pushes Tack over and runs off out of the room and down the hall "MY SHOE! THEIF" I yelled. I went to go run after him but Tack grabbed my shoulder a bit hard "Wait!" He spun me around now with both hands on my shoulders "I-I don't want you getting hurt, my lady stay here"


(Now looking over this a few months from now this shit looks like ass I'll make the other chapters better my bad)

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