ep. 01 : New Year

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New Year's are most of the times associated with new beginnings and resolutions.

While everyone's sound asleep, wide awake I sat on my desk writing this entry (I originally wrote this on paper). I decided to pick a random Icebreaker card and here's what I got under the category 'Life Lessons'. Below is the prompt I got.

"Describe an 'aha' moment where you finally recognized how a past moment shaped you."

The moment the clock hits twelve midnight on the first of January, year 2022 was now history, a record of past memories. Year 2023 seems to sill be a pie fresh out of the oven. Some people, including myself are still processing some moments from the previous year, like still tasting that trace of flavor in your tongue from the previous food you ate.

While a new dish sat on the table, you maybe was still thinking of the previous meal you had, and questions about that food began stacking up like pancakes.

Questions like: How did the chef made that?

What're the ingredients needed to make that?

What's with that food that I could still taste it?

Or in simple words...How did that even happened?

Why did he/she did that?

Why did I did that?

It's already been a while, but why do I still feel the same way about it?

It's okay if you haven't figured it all out yet, you don't always have to figure out everything all at once.

I know someday you'll figure it out and that you could finally say "aha!".

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