•×° Finish up that Pizza! °×•

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   "...Yes mum." Klara knew that wandering without friends wasn't safe, but she didn't like sitting there at the birthday area without anything to do, or anyone to talk to either. Klara sat there at the table staring at her single slice of pizza which was probably already cold by now, birthdays just didn't feel the same without anyone around.. "Alright I'll be back, Klara, I have to go to work now. Behave, don't forget to go to you neighbors house while I am at work, and try making a few new friends, alright?" Her mother said, she was digging through her purse while acting as if she was in a major rush. "Alright." Klara agreed to her mother, Annie.  While her mother was walking off to leave the pizza place, she stopped midway to say one more thing; "Oh, and one more thing. Do NOT leave this pizza place, at all. Klara nods, to let her mom know she agrees. Annie looks at Klara probably what seemed 2 seconds, and speed walked towards the exit.
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Klara's point of view.
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There really isn't much to do around the birthday area.. is there? I thought. I stared at the cold cheese pizza on the almost shiny birthday themed paper plate, there wasn't that much more to eat either, well, besides pizza of course. I slowly picked up the almost cold piece of pizza closer and closer to my mouth, hoping it would keep me full of food, at least a little bit. Halfway through almost letting the pizza to my mouth though, the sound of kids cheering , clapping their hands, jumping and running around caught my ear's attention. The next sound that was playing was a grown man with curly dirty blonde hair standing on the stage with a well dressed outfit, talking to the children cheering Infront of the stage, excitedly. I wasn't able to completely understand what the grown man was saying due to the kids cheering and making so much noise, but by my guess he was most likely talking about how it was time for the original band of animatronics to start playing their classic music. I do remember the man's name because of the shiny white name tag on his light blue button-up shirt, his name was Jeremy.

  As the music was starting and I was viewing everything from the birthday room, I was looking around until something caught my big brown eyes. 3 kids at the arcade, which was right next to the birthday room, the 3 kids by my guess were most likely related due to the look of it. The smallest kid out of the 3, was an almost blonde haired young lady, with a short sleeved light pink shirt, a medium sized blue skirt, and a red bow in her wavy like hair. The 2nd smallest kid, was a young brown haired boy with a light and dark grey striped shirt, blue shorts, grey shoes, and was carrying around a plush with him, almost everywhere. His plush however, looked like a more golden or yellow version of Freddy, the main lead of the animatronic band that was playing music right now.
However, the last and tallest of the 3 had an almost curly brown hair, with a sleeveless grey shirt, a pair of blue jean shorts s little above his knees, and a mask on the side of his head which was a character of the classic Foxy the pirate, which was unfortunately out of order... I wonder why?


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