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hello this is my first story and I decided to make it about killua and gon! I love reading the stories so I decided to make one i hope this is going to be a good idea and ill try my hardest to make it the best i can! Reminder killua is 18 and gon is 19

(Killuas mind- gosh hes so adorable how could i be with someone so adorable? I wish i could marry you one day.. Gon)
"Killua, Killua! Killua your zoning out hello!"
"Oh sorry Gon i got a bit distracted" killua says while itching his head
"We need to finish cleaning and i find it really boring" Gon says with a annoyed face

Killua starts cleaning the bedroom while Gon looks confused of what to do
Killua says "hey Gon have you heard about sex before?.."

"Killua! Why are you asking me this?" Gon says with a blushed face
"I was just asking so you know what to do" killua says with a smirk on his face

"Killua!! What do you mean by that (0///0)"
Killua pins gon onto the bed and starts kissing him aggressively they were both blushing alot...
Killuas hand starts going near Gons nipple and he starts "playing" with it Gon starts to moan loudly this starts to turn Killua on so it starts getting a bit intense Killuas lips went to gons neck and he starts aggressively kissing it and sucking his neck and that made Gon turn on a lot
"K-killua ahh~"
Killua starts really blushing from hearing Gons high voice moan he sounded so good.
Killua started to get out of control and puts his hand on Gons dick and starts rubbing it
"Ah! K-killua! It feels s-so good ahh~"

Killua took his pants off and Gons pants off and started to take there t-shirts off Gon couldn't stop looking at Killuas abs.. they were so perfect then he started to look down omg! Killuas dick.. (0///0)

Killua started to lift Gons legs up to his shoulders and started to put his finger into Gons ass
"Ahh~ k-killua! A-ahhh k-killua it feels s-so good"
"Im glad that it feels good Gon because you will be getting a "surprise" in a little bit" killua says with a smirk

Killua starts moving his fingers deeper and deeper into Gons ass this made Gon moan even louder killua couldn't control himself he put his fingers out of Gons ass and started rubbing his dick onto Gons ass  (Gons mind- this feels so good i wonder what the "surprise" is) Killua starts entering Gon "G-gon you feel really g-good ahh!!" Killua says while blushing loads
He banged into Gons ass he couldn't control himself anymore "killua!! Ahh~ ahhh!! W-why are you going s-so hard!! Ahh~"

"W-wow Gon you f-feel amazing..!!"

This is going to be the end of this chapter now because im getting kinda tired im sorry that its short! :C i hope you guys enjoyed it!! And see you in the next chapter bye for now!!

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