The N.C.A. Begins War With The Extraterrestrials

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All I can see right now is a blue light and I feel like I am just dead weight for the N.C.A. without my machine. If your machine is seeing the dead's last thoughts before they die and a bit after they die, well then here you go, I am Dead, but If you don't know what a machine is then here you go, a machine is something that has been implanted into your body by the N.C.A. which allows you to have a strange power like telekinesis or super speed. 

 Anyways, It all started when the boss called for 'GTAE86'. This was my chance to prove myself to the N.C.A., my dad and save the world. We have been conflicting with an unidentified extraterrestrial life form. I was called out to retrieve some DNA, so I suited up in my classy uniform so that I was ready. I was assigned to work with Agent Aquamarine who was an agent I didn't know that well.

I hopped in my sweet vintage ride from 1986 (Which is a long time ago) and as I turned the keys in the ignition the radio turned on and it was playing my favourite tune. I hit the gas and went flying forward into a corner where I derailed with my tires squealing and was back on the right path after a few moments. After a short drive, I was at my location where Aquamarine and I locked down the DNA and then a red tractor beam dropped down on us and we were abducted.

When we awoke, we were in some sort of prison-like cell and we were put in dark grey jumpsuits. The jumpsuit had a badge with a number. I was labelled 117 and Agent Aquamarine was labelled 101. Suddenly, a hologram popped up in front of us. I can still remember it clearly.

It said, "Hello, I am Aqutariane. You have been abducted by the last order and you are now contained in your cell. In a bit, you will be visited by a robot where you will be given a choice that might save your life. After this, you will have a meal and then will be put in an arena where you will know what you must do. Goodbye."

Just like that, the transmission was done. I immediately knew what this meant, it was a fight to the death. I was waiting for the robot to arrive and after what felt like an eternity in the crippling dark cell, the robot arrived. It wasn't just any robot though, it was a T-C2T droid unit which is a very, very, rare A.I. to come across.

The A.I. said in a voice that sounded like C-3PO "which weapon would you like to choose."

There was a laser ray, the ion blaster, and a light-saber. My cellmate got the first choice, she chose the laser ray which was a horrible choice if you ask me. However, I was stumped on my choice: the ion blaster or the light-saber. The light-saber though seemed like a better choice so I chose it which did end up being the best choice I could have made. We received our weapons. She tested her laser ray which shot a ray of plasma and I got my lifelong dream of getting to wield a light-saber. We ate our meal, and it was nice and warm.

We then entered the arena which would lead to mass death. It looked like where the battle of Geonosis was fought. It was cold, empty and sandy - lots of sand. There was banging at a cell door labelled 643.

The cell door then opened and a psychopathic creature came running out of it and jumped on me and said "let's merge!" in a voice that sounds like what a dog would sound like.

I quickly impaled it through the chest and then Agent Aquamarine shot it with her laser ray.

"That was a close one," I chuckled.

The creature reassembled itself, bowed forward. its neck rotated backwards like an owl. It then charged at Agent Aquamarine and within the blink of an eye, she was gone, dead, and there was no body anywhere. I was about to be the next victim before I felt a strong urge to get rid of this beast flowing through me - then it happened.

My machine kicked in and I skewered the beast with no problem. Then I tried to figure out what my machine was so I could use it. I don't remember how I learnt what it was but it was time travel. Time rewound and I went to pierce through the beast once more but it was pierced by something before me. It was pierced in the exact same spot as last time. I pierced the beast and rewound time once more and it was pierced in that same spot again. Time was a paradox now. It is like poking a hole in the paper rewinding time so there is no hole in it and a hole gets poked without you poking it. I called it the snapshot zero paradox.

I knew it was time to start actually fighting and so the challenge started. I had to figure out a way to escape. This seemed like a difficult task but maybe I could figure it out with my machine. I got back to fighting and I had to fight 3 creatures this time, one was a bane back spider, a snake and a junax. I struck down the spider first which shot out flaming hot acid once I killed it and I was about to be crushed by the junax. So like I should, I rewound time again. I quickly moved away from the spider so I didn't get covered in acid and so I didn't get crushed but I had a feeling almost like the spider-sense that the snake was about to just jump out at me from behind so I swung my light-saber behind me and sliced the snake in half. Now I just need to kill the junax, which could easily be arranged. All I did was run up and slice it down from the top of its head to its stomach and it was dead.

A voice called on the speaker and said "well done, you are supposed to move on to round three but due to your incredible fighting skills we are pushing you to level ten."

During the announcement I realized something. There was no escape unless I had outsider help. I was screwed, I guess I just had to keep fighting. I lost hope and was just fighting for their entertainment. There were around 50 enemies this time.

I was ready for a bunch of incoming attacks, attacking, and of course time travel. The fight lasted maybe 30 minutes for me but only a minute for them and the crowd was shocked. Then it hit me that I still have hope and people to fight for. I could escape but I needed outside help. The N.C.A. installed trackers in us so we could be found. All I had to do was keep fighting until they could track me down and save me. Plus, it would lead them to their planet, so I did help in the long run. But now something feels weird on my body. It almost felt like a parasite was attached to my body, so I took the top of my jumpsuit off to remove it and then it stopped.

Strangely, nothing was there, so I put the jumpsuit back on and it happened to me again so I just destroyed the top of my jumpsuit and was ready to start fighting again. I felt stronger now, I was put to level 50 where I was just starting to have fun just killing the creatures in different ways while jumping back and forth through time. After only a few hours, I was all the way to level 500. I had my weapon removed so I had to fight with my bare hands. I rewound time and tried to stop this but I couldn't since it was a guaranteed event because it was such a big point in our timeline because a creature clawed out my left eye. I was stuck there because my machine was in my left eye.

I tried to keep fighting but I couldn't, I was in no condition to fight. It was a miracle for me to still be alive. All of the creatures were attacking me now. As I felt every part of my body get torn apart I saw some light in the sky. I heard some blasters go off and the ripping of my limbs stopped. A rope dropped near me and someone slid down it. I think they were saying my real name but I was barely able to hear them say it. This was my ending. I was almost dead. The last thing I saw was the warm looking light and I felt like I was being brought closer to it.

This was the turning point in the war but before I died I said my last words "kill the leader of the species, Aqutariane and vi-"

What I tried to say was, "kill Aqutariane and victory is ours but you can't get caught by the aliens. This is a war we can beat but we need you to tell them we are going up against a group that makes our technology look like child's play but tell everybody I said bye, okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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