Chapter 1- Tragedy strikes :,(

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Shrek and Fiona were living happily together in the crevices of the swamp. They were truly a lovely couple. Today is the day when Fiona has to go off to do business. What business you may ask? Shrek can't tell you that, he might get in trouble.

"Im going to miss you Babe.." Shrek said sadly

"Don't worry it won't be long. Theres this new invention called a blimp it's supposed to be WAY faster than carriage." Fiona spoke

"Ok...... be safe bbg" Shrek sighed

He watched Fiona get onto the blimp. She turned around to flash him a smile and then took off in the blimp. He watched the blimp go higher and higher until he could barely see it. It started moving north when all of the sudden there was a loud BOOM! THE BLIMP EXPLODED. He saw it burn to a crisp and leave nothing behind. Tears fell down shreds face as he realized what had happened. Fiona had just imploded. The love of his life was gone. Shrek broke down crying and it started to rain. he stayed out there in the rain sobbing. as thunder reigned he cursed God's name. 


Little did Shrek know god had a plan.

˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜Somewhere not quite nearby....˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜

"Did things go according to plan?"

"Yes the blimp has been incinerated sir."

"good... With Fiona gone Shrek will be mine MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2023 ⏰

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