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Liam and Jordan, the two outcast of high school.

No one bothers with them. They're known as the 'two gay losers' that everyone avoids.

Liam is that gullible shy kid who can easily be pushed around, no matter what the case. Ever since he was in third grade everyone's given him a hard time, even the teachers. His light brown hair is almost always perfectly swept over his forehead, and his eyes are a strange blue that no one can name. Plus, he's known to have the adorable face of a twelve year old.

Jordan is more tough and brave, but he knows it will only get worst if he tried to say anything, so he stays quiet. Unlike Liam he doesn't believe anyone or anything, especially with his emotions. If it wasn't for his so unpopular status, girls would be all over him. Messy brown hair and captivating green eyes, his face was basically the definition of perfection.

And of course, like everyone else, they have their crushes. The two most popular kids in school, Parker and Will.

Parker is the class clown. Always cracking jokes and pulling stupid pranks on teachers... and kids. His jokes could go as far as asking the same retarded question twenty times, to braking a poor kids heart- he doesn't care. His brown hair has slight curls that girls adore, and his eyes are a sparkling green.

Will was once the shy quiet kid, but once girls noticed his adorable looks that automatically changed. He started dating girls, then dumping them a week later just to see their heartbreak. No longer did he have a care for school or anything. His hair a messy brown and chocolate brown eyes, girls constantly drooled over him following him around and doing his every command.

It's obvious to see that the two boys have no luck for their wishes to be with their crush. They're just the losers, the nerds, the outcast.


hello humans or aliens of earth or mars or saturn idk what you are or where you are for gods sake you could be in another galaxy for all i know

welcome to my new fanfic!!

if you didn't read the one shot outcast in irresistible ( my one shot book ), this was originally a 2 part one shot i made that a lot of people liked and it was requested to be made into a full story, so here it is!

the first 2 chapters are gonna be the one shots, and then it's gonna go on hold since i have other stories i'm currently working on.

so yeah this is a thing hope you all likey


[ just so you know liam doen't have his beard and jordan doesn't have his tattoos in this because they need to look more cute then hot okay ]

outcast » kiani/pbombWhere stories live. Discover now