The Beginning.

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It was a normal day, inside the house..

There was Bacon Hair and with his toast..

His tummy is not feeling so good so went to the bathroom to take a ####..

Not knowing that another bacon hair had break inside his house without causing any damage.

He then went towards the kitchen table and spotted the target...

He then snagged the toast from the plate and with devilish smirk and chuckle he got out of the house and then escaped out of there before the owner of the toast arrives back.

Minutes later now the toast was stolen, the Bacon Hair had returned from the bathroom.

He then noticed his toast was missing, he panicked..

He searched the area..even his bedroom and the "Epic Gaming Roomzz"

Only to find no sign of his toast..

He went back to his kitchen table..

He was now all out of bread as that was his last bread that he magically converted it into toast by a toasting device at the kitchen counter.

He noticed a note at the table and then the Bacon Hair began to read it

"Hahaha I stole ur toast lulz find me if you can!!1!1! xD"

The Bacon Hair was now mad and worried at the same time..

He then went outside not to touch some grass...but on his quest to get his toast back..finding this culprit who was responsible for this heinous crime..

The Bacon Hair's name is...


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