Chapter 1

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Hopping along the tall grassy fields, accompanied by a special Pokémon, skin shining in the sun, here wanders a wild adventurous Snivy with their fiery company, a curious Victini. Not a duo that you would really normally see in the wild (basically a rare duo due to one being a darn mythical), but not a bad one. As Snivy hopped across the fields with positivity, she chatted to her friend.

"Sun shining, warm winds and rivers glistening.. what could possibly ruin this day for us, Vic?" Snivy would ask to Victini. Victini shrugged and said "I don't know, but I feels too good to be true. I feel as something bad is upcoming. What do you think?" She'd ask back. "I don't know, I just feel good. Too good to worry right now." She'd reply. Victini chuckled a bit, and would say, "I don't really know, I just have a bad feeling right now.. wait- do you see that in the sky?" Victini looked up. "..What are you talking about?" Asked Snivy. "Look!" Victini poked Snivy and pointed to the figures in the sky. "Do you see it?" She asked. "Huh.. it looks to me like it's a big pack of Arc-"

"SQWUAK!" "SQWUAK!""SQWUAK!" The Pokémon. repeated loudly. "A PACK OF ARCHEN?" Exclaimed Victini, cutting off Snivy and the Archen pack. The Archens saw Victini and Snivy and would suddenly fly towards them at a fast rate. "Should we be worried right now?" Said Snivy, looking at Victini. Victini would sigh and looked at Snivy. "Let me pick you up and I'll help you fly awa-" "SQWUAK!" The Archens would come closer faster every second. Victini would just grab Snivy from the back and would fly up. "We don't have time right now!" Exclaimed Victini. Victini would start flying as fast as she could, travelling through the fields. "Ok, but I can see a forest over there, surely we can get them mixed up over there?" Asked Snivy. "Seems so, so let's go there I guess," Victini would reply. "Archens aren't so intimidating or intelligent though. But we should mess with them or an Archeops could attack us for attacking those Archens."

As they head towards the forest, every second it would get darker and darker. Victini and Snivy would start to feel overwhelmed suddenly due to all the shadow collapsing in onto them. "I don't like this forest at all." Said Victini. "Are you scared of the dark?" Asked Snivy. "Exactly! You cant be sure if someone is gonna sneak up on you, or something.." replied Victini. "This is almost complete darkness now, we have to get SOME light at least." Said Snivy while shivering. "Cold, too.." "WAIT!" Victini exclaimed. Victini would fly to the ground and put down Snivy and she'd say. "A campfire is perfect, obviously! Wanna go to collect some sticks?" Asked Victini. "I'm ok with it. Let's go then." Replied Snivy. Snivy would wander off into the dark forest. Only if victini was around, she could light this place up no problem.. but they needed to split up for more sticks. Snivy would start to collect sticks on the ground slowly. She heard some tweeting from bird Pokémon, but no Archen around for sure.

Victini would collect all the sticks she could get and ran back to where they were before. "SNIVVYY!!" She shouted. "GET BACK OVER HERE! I GOT SOME STICKS NOW!" Snivy turned around and ran back to where Victini was meanwhile holding all the sticks in her hands that she could possibly hold, even some sticks on the top of her head while she was running back. It took her a minute or two, but she finally got back to Victini. "I'm here! We gonna make that campfire or whatever it was now?" Said Snivy. Victini shivered and said "Just put all the sticks you have on the ground! I'm freezing myself to death right now.." they took all of the sticks they had and dumped them on the floor.

After there was a massive pile of sticks and wood chucks all around the ground, including some leaves too, Victini charges up her flames and puffed them out, directly onto all the sticks and leaves they just collected. It lit up the whole place for a second as Snivy stared in awe. She always thought having fire powers would be incredible, but unfortunately she is a grass type. She doesn't mind though. Now, the campfire was already perfect, lighting up everything around them in an instant moment.

 Now, the campfire was already perfect, lighting up everything around them in an instant moment

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"Succseeeeesss!" Shouted Victini, laughing a bit. "Looks like we have a good fire to keep us warm now." Agreed Snivy. "But I'm starvinngggg right now.." complained Victini, continuing to sit on the floor and whine. "Don't be a fool, let's go find some berries nearby this campfire." Sighed Snivy, going over to Victini, grabbing them by the hand and pulling them up. "But I don't wanna searchhh..." complained Victini again. "Teamwork is always better in different situations usually. I know you are hungry, but you could find lots of berries out here." Replied Snivy. "I guess you are right." Sighed Victini. "Are you going to help me search around this place then, Vic?" Asked Snivy. "I guess so, but I don't want to." Victini replied. "Meh. Good enough." Said Snivy, who would start to wander around nearby the campfire, and which victini would participate in the same thing. "Have you found any berries on the ground yet?" Exclaimed Victini to Snivy. "It hasn't even been even one minute yet!" Replied Snivy. Victini sighed and kept searching in disappointment.

After a few minutes, Victini stepped on something crunchy. "Wha.. what was that?" Victini said, waking up from her bored and lazy state, looking down at the ground to see what that random noise was. "Clusters of berries! Yesss! Im so happy!" She danced around while picking up all the berries that she could. "Snivy!!! I GOT BERRIES!" She exclaimed, leading snivy to run over as fast as she could (tiny legs, no run fast). "Really?" She asked. "Look!" Victini exclaimed, throwing a cluster of berries directly into Snivy's face. "Ow!" She complained. "Did you see it? Or do I have to throw more again?" Victini asked. "Agh.. of course I saw them! You threw them right into my face!" Snivy replied. Victini adopted a smug face and shrugged. Snivy picked up the berries on the ground that Victini threw at her, and held it in her hands.. "Wanna go back to eat these beside the campfire now?" Said Snivy. "Of course! I'm soooo starving..." replied Victini. Snivy sighed and said "I could tell."

Victini and Snivy walked back to the campfire along side eachother, leaves and broken sticks crunching below their feet on the ground as they walked together. "Do you wanna go to sleep next to the campfire after?" Said Snivy. "Sounds good to me." Replied Victini. Snivy chuckled a bit, a smiled. She noticed that she felt even better than when she was hopping along the fields. But now, they had returned back to the campfire at this point. "Here we are." Snivy said as Victini danced around in excitement to  finally start to eat. "Great!" Exclaimed Victini. They sat down beside eachother, the only thing between them being the berries that they put down. They ate along eachother as Snivy focused on the campfire. She thought to herself, her heart felt warm and she grinned in happiness. She felt as her bond with Victini was growing rapid, as today was a crazy day and they spent it all together. "You ok there?" Asked Victini. "Oh, I'm ok." Replied snivy, looking back at the campfire. Victini would yawn loudly and said. "You know, it's pretty late. How about we eat the rest of these berries in the morning for breakfast?" She'd ask. "Sure. Let's sleep by the campfire." Replied Snivy. Snivy and victini moved the berries out of the way so that they wouldn't get burnt, and snivy curled up with her tail covering herself to act as a blanket, and Victini slept on her back, arms and feet stretched out as much as they could be. Once Victini and Snivy got cozy in their positions, they slowly fell asleep peacefully next to the warm campfire.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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