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I turn over startled. I looked at my alarm clock with squinty eyes. "Jesus" I murmur. Its 3:30am. My mother and father screaming at each other. I can hear my mother struggling to get over his roar. "SHUT UP LYNNIE! GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My father screams. "I WOULD BUT YOU WONT LET ME!"My mother argues, she continues, "I HATE BEING HERE, I ONLY DO IT FOR THE KIDS!" "THIS IS WHERE THEY STAY! THE KIDS AREN'T LEAVING!" He  shouts. His voice so deep it cracks my ears. "WHATEVE.." "NO LYNNIE ITS NOT WHATEVER!" I slam my door extra loud just for them to hear I'm up this late on a school night.
  I roll over and look up at my ceiling. Looking at the horrible paint job I did when I was younger.  I let all the air out of my lungs and filled them back up with oxygen.
  I rolled over on my side and started to fall back asleep. Still hearing his voice in my head.. I finally closed my eyes when my alarm clock went off, screeching in the quiet room. "damn." I moaned. I jumped up and turned it off. It was 5:00. I set it for 30 more minutes sense I got barely any sleep.
  It again screamed. I got up and turned it off.
  I reached beside my bad and grabbed my huge phone. "Good morning beautiful!" I sent. It was the first time I had feelings for a girl. We weren't together yet, but I sure as hell wanted to be.
  I got up and went downstairs. It was dark. My dog followed me down the stairs. His name was oden. He sleeps with me every night. He is a pit bull, small, Just a puppy still. Floppy ears and always seemed to have a smile on his face. He was my baby. He helped me through all the hard nights and, without words, seemed to comfort me more than anyone could.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2015 ⏰

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