Why Believe in God?

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Let's forget everything we know about the world now. Every ism. Every theory. Every preconceived notion.

Let us think of only one thing.


What are humans?

We are conscious beings. We have intellect. We learn. We build. We grow. Yet we are dependent on food, shelter, time. We are born, we grow old and we die.

Look at your body. Think about all the functions. Look at a leaf. Look at the sky. Look at every single thing, every single material you can examine in the world.

Is it a coincidence that we are the only conscious beings on this planet?

Is it a coincidence or is it intelligent design?

Even atheist scientists call it intelligent design. It is clearly a design. It is such an effective design that when humans mimic it in any kind of technology we produce every amazing results. 

So we can all agree universe is designed.

Is it designed by someone or did the design create itself?

Let's assume the design created itself for the sake of the argument.

We can all agree Big Bang happened.

The question is why.

If the universe decided to exist, why didn't it decide to exist before?

Why can't it control all the evil that humans do?

Why is the universe in service and succumbed to humanity?

If the universe is so powerful enough to create itself and create a conscious being, why is it itself not a conscious being?

How could the universe create something more powerful (humans) and complex? How can an inanimate being create an animated being? We humans create inanimate objects all the time. Never has anything inanimate/unconscious ever created a conscious being.

Clearly the universe is beautiful and huge, but it cannot think, it cannot create things like humans. It is still not powerful like humans because it is not a conscious being.

Universe is designed intelligently and intellectually. However universe is not intelligent enough to design itself to design conscious beings.

Okay so a conscious being designed it. So many things arise by this statement.


• This conscious being has to be more powerful than humans and the universe to create it.

• To be more powerful means to not succumb to humans or the universe

• That means it is not inside the universe, not inside time and space. We can't see the being.

• If the being is powerful enough to design every system in the universe, the being is powerful enough to know everything about it.

Why was everything created?

The universe is beautiful, isn't it? 

Look at the concept of love, laughter.

Look at community, culture.

Look at sunrises, sunsets, ocean, nature.

If we think clearly, we can admit that the world is immensely beautiful.

Only someone that loves the world and humanity would put so much detail into it, would create beautiful emotions, amazing intellect.

Now if this being loves us why is there pain in the world? Tragedy? War? Murder? Rape? And so many more heinous acts?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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