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Scarlet's POV:

Hi, My name is Scarlet, Scarlet Blaze from the Blaze clan. Now you're probably wondering who I am in general. Well to explain briefly, I am a Konoha Ninja. Yes yes, I am from Konohagakure no Sato. And with me, I have two good friends/teammates part of Squad 6. The Orphaned Crimson Fist and the Adopted Granddaughter of the Third Hokage, Azure Fang. Both of them are good people and teammates in my opinion. If anything, I just wish Azure would be a little less clingy to me. But other than that, She is okay. Anyway, you're not here to hear about me and my problems…..Okay maybe a little bit but that's not the point of this story. Remember 13 years ago? When the Nine Tails suddenly appeared and destroyed our home and the Fourth Hokage sealed it into a baby? That baby was Naruto Uzumaki, but only half of that story is true. The Nine Tails chakra was split into two; because of how heavy the chakra was, the Fourth had to split the other part into another baby….that other baby was me. Yeah, I am also the Jinjuriki of the Nine Tails. Was I treated like an outcast? No, but I didn't get the Royal treatment as well. Why? Because of my relationship with Naruto. To me, he's like a brother I wanted and seeing him get treated horribly, really had my blood pumping, but I'm glad I have my mom and my little sister to support me and him. After the Graduation ceremony, we were put into teams. I of course had Azure Fang and Crimson Fist as my teammates of Squad 6. Meanwhile Naruto had Sasuke Uchiha, the last Uchiha survivor and a girl he has a crush on, a pink haired girl named Cherry Blossom. But the tree wants to be called Sakura instead. And since our team placements, we haven't seen each other…until the day of the Chunin Exams. And that is where our story begins. With me, Azure, Crimson, and two new additions to our future team. But I'll let you read to know about who they are.


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