Chapter 1

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You roam through the forest attempting to embrace the surrounding nature. Trees stood throughout the forest, taller than you even deemed possible. You spot a tree that seemed more comforting than the others. It was prettier and it seemed like the perfect place for you to relax and take a break. All you currently have are the memories of those who've hurt you and how you could never quite find a place where you belong. You've lost trust in people and have relapsed into an emotional dark abyss, you can never truly escape, even if you're surrounded with happiness.

You'd like to stay out of the house as much as possible as you want the possibility of something burdening you to be closest to none.

The forest had gorgeous flowers that glowed a magnificent blue, unlike any flowers you'd ever seen. Yet there was one flower in particular that stood out. Its palette consisted of an ethereal shade of pinkish purple. You're intrigued. You approach the flower and sit on your knees directly in front of it. You don't want to touch it as you'd like to preserve its beauty. You sit there, observing the flower's godly features.

As your body calms and your mind clears, you begin to wonder. What type of flower is this? It looked as if it had been handcrafted by a goddess. Do flowers like this really exist? You're so lost by its beauty and your own thoughts that you don't even notice the shadow forming in front of you.

"Peony." you hear from a man in a husky voice. You jump out of fear and stand up immediately. "That's the name of the flower. Beautiful, isn't it?" You see a tall, slender man. His hair was long and sleek, its shine resembling that of a pearl. The length flowed, like a never-ending waterfall, a never-ending dream. His eyes reminded you of the flower you had been observing, except it glowed an even more majestic purple. And just as the flower, he looked as if he were the creation of a god. Although you had been struck by his charming appearance, a hint of fear began to settle at the bottom of your stomach. Likely from your past of misfortune when it comes to people. You can't talk to someone like this just yet, you're not ready.

"Who are you?" you ask frightfully. "I'm Kite, you?" he replied. "No. I'm not telling you my name. I'd like to know why you came up behind me out of nowhere. I'm trying to get some space, alright?" you snap. "Ah, I see. I mean no harm," he says sympathetically. "I didn't mean to disturb you. I just saw you here as I happen to come here often to look at the wonderful outdoors."

"Okay," you respond nervously. You don't want to say too much about yourself to a stranger. Yet, he's such a handsome man. He is polite and feels trusting as you've observed. "I'll go now."

"Already? You don't want to tell me anything about yourself?" he says worriedly. "I have to be somewhere" you respond quickly as you walk away. "Hope I see you another time!" he yelled.

He let you keep things to yourself, but he clearly wanted to know more about you. "I'm nothing special to get to know" you mumble under your breath, remembering your past relationships. All you could think about were the bad decisions you tend to make. You didn't have the best of friends. Well, you don't have friends anymore.

You don't want people to know you again. It makes you feel like you're in a state of vulnerability. You step onto the porch, deep in thought.

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