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I wandered around for sometime, I stopped doing what my little sister asked me to do.

I came across a prison and immediately thought of raiding it to see if I could find any useful supplies, I got halfway into the courtyard and was cornered, I made my way up the stairs, of the security tower.

My limbs were hurting.

I felt like my energy was going in and out.

I slowly rolled up my sleeves unwrapping my tight bandages, more blood oozing from the deep cut I gave myself a couple of nights ago, I was planning on ending my life. I planned everything, noose, cut wrists, I was almost there.

But my rope broke, and I laid there, debating if I wanted to carry on, or just fucking give up, I was guilt ridden, my little sister wouldn't want me to go out this way. So here I am, losing blood by the minute.

I'm sure the sickos smelt my blood all around, I don't know if I can stop the bleeding.

I shakily adjusted my brown and teal scarf I gave my little sister for her birthday, I reached into my backpack pulling out first aid supplies and my needle and thread.

I stitched up my right wrist before doing the same with my left, thank god I was a doctor before all this shit happened.

I sighed wiping my forehead before cleaning off the blood and wrapping my wrists with clean bandages, before pulling my sleeves down and taking out duck tape wrapping it around my forearms, I definitely don't want any sicko blood getting into my wounds, if that happens I'll turn into one.

I shakily pulled out my canteen and took a few sips from my water.

I took a deep breath in before closing my eyes.

I woke up with a start jumping to my feet quickly, my eyes darting everywhere, I slowly calmed down realizing that I was still in the security tower, I rubbed my forehead before standing up feeling lightheaded immediately.

I groaned leaning against the wall behind me, I turned to glance out the window, squinting my eyes, that a campfire? I gasped quickly reaching for my binoculars placing it on my eyes, and people?

I smiled widely.

I hope they're friendly.

I quickly grabbed my back pack and ran down the stairs, quickly opening the door, I pulled out my machete only to see all the sickos that cornered me were dead.

I hesitated before walking towards them.

I was immediately met with guns, and a crossbow.

"WHOA! Hey! I'm friendly! I mean no one harm!" I began making a man in a cowboy hat step intimidatingly towards me, "Drop your weapon now!" He drawled making me immediately drop my machete, he kept his gun trained on me.

Even though my anxiety was kicking my ass, I looked around his group, I saw a woman who looked kind, I made eye contact with the man who had the crossbow, my eyes scanned the old man who was embracing this blonde girl, next to them was a Asian man holding onto another woman, she was pretty, then there was another man who had a cut on his forearm, then finally a woman, who was at least 7 months pregnant cradling a boy who I assume was her son.

I heard the click of the gun being loaded making me snap my attention to the man holding the gun.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned making me stutter slightly before speaking, "I was going to go see if there was any supplies worth taking, but I kind of got held up by the sickos, but it seems you guys got them all." I went on making the man with the gun slowly and hesitantly lower his gun.

"You got a group?"

I felt my heart sink, I lowered my head to look at my boots, I swallowed thickly, "No sir, just me." I answered honestly making him slowly nod and look back to his group who seemed hesitant and uneasy.

"Are you guys hungry?" I questioned making everyone look at me their eyes wide.

I slowly pulled my backpack off of my shoulders opening my bag and pulling out 10 military MRE's, I walked up to the man who seemed to be the leader, "Here, a peace treaty." I began gently placing a MRE on his chest.

He took it gently eyeing the MRE before looking at me, "Where'd you get this?" He asked making me turn to look at him after passing his group the food.

"I traded with a group like...4 weeks back?" I went on, "So, you're a trader? Is there a lot of bigger groups around? Are they friendly?" The old man began, "Every group I meet, big or small, I keep their whereabouts confidential, I don't trade information, because we're all trying to survive." I answered honestly stopping at the pregnant woman who looked up at me suspiciously.

I knelt down in front of her, "How many months are you?" I asked in a gentle voice making her eyes flick to the leader then back at me, "About 7 months? Give or take." She said making a small smile form on my face, I nodded my head before walking back to the leader who didn't take his eyes off of me.

I held my hand out for him to shake, "The names Colleen Maxwell, friends call me Lee."

"I'm Rick Grimes, and how many people have you killed?"

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