The white girl from the swamp

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Previous story:

One evening, when a little girl should have been asleep for a long time, she realized that she had forgotten her doll while playing in the forest. Since it was still quite light, her parents allowed her to look for the doll. The girl quickly set off and after a short time reached the place where she had forgotten her doll. But it was not lying there. The little girl desperately searched everything, but still could not find it. She decided to look for the doll on the way back, maybe she had lost it on the way. When the girl wanted to go on the way she noticed that it had already become a little darker and she had lost her orientation. So she just ran on it in the hope to have chosen the right way. Unconsciously she ran further and further in the direction of the swamp, in which a few years ago someone should have drowned. When she realized where she was, she became aware of a noise behind her. Slowly she turned around and looked into the shining eyes of her beloved doll. The little girl was captivated by this look, so that she did not even notice that the doll was coming towards her and pushing her more and more towards the swamp. Suddenly she felt the doll grab her and push her into the swamp. Since the girl could not swim yet, she drowned. It was not until days later that her body was found.

60 years later:

Jacky was home alone with her boyfriend Alex because her parents were away for the weekend. Therefore, she had asked Alex if he wanted to come to her for the time being. Alex suggested to order pizza. Half an hour after they had ordered, the doorbell rang and the pizza was there. Alex took it and paid. When he had just closed the door, the bell rang again. At first they thought the pizza delivery man had forgotten something, but when Jacky opened the door again, there was a little girl in a white dress with an old doll in her arms. The little girl said nothing and when Jacky asked her if everything was all right, the girl whispered fearfully: "Help me! Jacky turned briefly to Alex and when she turned back to the door, both the girl and the doll had disappeared without a trace.

The next morning, Jacky and Alex decided to go to a nearby flea market that was taking place that weekend. At some point, the two arrived at a booth where an old woman was selling dolls. Actually, they didn't want to stop, but then Jacky noticed a doll that looked exactly like the little girl's one. Alex also noticed a necklace with a little girl on it. It looked exactly like the girl from the night before. Jacky asked the woman who the girl was and explained that she was at her front door yesterday. The woman froze and agreed that this was her little sister and that she had drowned in the swamp 60 years ago. She also said that everyone the girl had met had disappeared shortly after. Thereupon the young people became afraid and wanted only fast home. To get home faster, they took the shortcut along the railroad tracks. From a distance, they heard a train coming closer and closer. They stood to the side to wait until the train passed them. Suddenly they heard a noise behind them, reflexively they turned around. Behind them was the doll of the little girl. The train came closer and closer and when it was just before them, the doll pushed Jacky, who was frozen with fright and could not move, in front of the train. You could only hear Jacky shouting to Alex, "RUN!" and he did, running as fast as he could into the nearby forest. After running for quite a while, he thought he had lost the doll and took a short breather in front of the cemetery. What he didn't notice was that the doll was approaching him from behind to kill him as well. When he noticed it, it was already too late. The doll was about to pierce his heart with a stick. The last thing he heard and saw was a spiteful laugh and the shining eyes of the doll.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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