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Warning: Blood, Abuse, Mentions of alcohol

~{Quackity POV}~

I heard glass shattering, footsteps down the hall way and saw the shadow of one person I didn't want to see right now- Schlatt, he continued walking down the hall way drunk... The smell of alcohol and beer filling the rooms as he said "Pumpkin~ Come out wherever you are! There's no point in hiding" some of his words were slurred so I knew he was 100% drunk... I tried getting up, blood dripping down my clothes and skin, purple, black and red marks everywhere I tried moving but the floorboard shook sending me falling backwards and everything came crashing glass, plates, cutlery everything just came crashing down uncontrollably. I saw the shadow creeping closer "Pumpkin I know your heree" I didn't know any other ways out I was stuck, bleeding, bruises everywhere. Nothing was worth it... I saw Tubbo whimpering in a corner so I crawled over to him and whispered "Run... Run to Tommy's and hide- Hide for a few days then come back!" I saw Tubbo get up and run off I was stuck in the kitchen with a drunk Schlatt creeping closer and closer. I soon blacked out soon after-

~{Time skip to Phil's place}~

I soon woke up to see Wilbur, Philza, Tommy and Tubbo surrounding me little whispers coming from the group, I sat up and everyone turned their heads to me "Big Q your awake!!" I heard Tommy say then Tubbo joined in "Mama are you okay-?" Then Phil and Wilbur then said "Hey Q how are you feeling??" And "Your awake Quackity!!" I kind of just sat there looking around confused on why I was here and not with the drunk version of Schlatt.      "W-Where am I-??" I said quietly it hurt so much to speak, and my shirt was off with bandages wrapped around, ice packs and casts everywhere with a drink next to the bed, I then saw Techno walk in and look at me slightly annoyed like he always was with me and then he turned round and said "Yeah he's in here- You two can come on in" He scoffed then walked out. Soon the two people I would least expect to be here came in I looked up at a worried Karl and an almost crying Sapnap. "W-What...?" I was turning more confused by the second nothing seemed real- Everything didn't seem right and everywhere was numb I couldn't feel a single thing. I looked up at everyone "Duckling are you okay??" I heard Sapnap say then Karl said worriedly "Quackity...?" I was so confused, firstly nothing seemed real I mean Sapnap and Karl were there...In front of me and Karl had remembered me nothing at all seemed right... I looked at everyone then my eyes began to shut, my breathing becoming more heavy. "N-Nothings real..." I mumbled loudly everyone heard it sadly because it made everyone in the room more stressed and worried. I fell asleep again-

~{Another time skip}~

I woke up, sitting up straight away trying to catch my breath back and Schlatt sat up next to me "Pumpkin-?" I looked over and saw Schlatt and tried not showing much emotions because I realised that it was just a nightmare.. Schlatt opened his arms for me and I went and hugged him feeling the warmth and comfort from the other.. "I-I did not like that.." I said still being a little panicked because of it "I know I saw you stressing.." I just hugged Schlatt and we stayed like that for a while I didn't really want to let go. Not after what just happened in my 'dream'. I soon got up and Schlatt let go of me and I walked out of the room but by the time I got to the kitchen my whole body was in agony again.. A sharp pain going through my body- I limped off to the bathroom wanting to check something, taking off my clothes once the bathroom door was closed and seeing that-
It wasn't a dream...


685 words! Sorry that I ran out of ideas this is my first book-

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