Life is just a loop (Moses)

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"Man that girl's hot"
Moses' friend, Elizondo, was scrolling through the women on the high school student page. Today he was looking at Ellie Zapata, an 11th grade nurse in-training. She was small, with blonde hair that goes to her
shoulders, and had not much of a chest from what the photo showed. She also looked like a Kardashian with the exessive amount of make-up that was on her face. Moses sighed. "Again, Elizondo, this girl isn't even that pretty, u just need a make-up wipe to uncover all that stupid make-up, which may be why she wears it, she's ugly"
Elizondo rolls his eyes. "You're just jealous, you've never had a girlfriend and I've had over 20 of them."

Moses looked over at his friend, one of the dudes many women have fallen for. He was 5'10, Athletic, and had an amazing tan, which went perfectly with his black poofy-curly hair. Moses, on the other hand, was 6'1, had upper-back wavy brown hair, and had like an indian person color. Moses hit Elizondo playfully. "Yeah, at least I have some kind of taste in women-"

"What women?"

Elizondo did have a point. Has Moses ever even had a crush? How does he even know a WOMAN would be his 1st crush? Would he have to go and come out the closet, tell everyone, and be made fun of forever?
"Moses, are you gay?"
Moses stood in silence, he's never liked,nor even LOVED anyone but his family, but that was a different love. But he knew he wasn't gay, he doesn't find guys attractive, not even a little bit.
"I mean, Moses, you've never liked anyone. Ever"
Moses stayed quiet, waiting to see if there would be a responce after that. But he regretted doing that, cause Elizondo had that face where he was gonna try to do something either impossibe or crazy.
"Moses, do you know what Tinder is?"
"Nope, and I don't wanna know, because I'm leaving, I think I had enough women blabbering torture today"
"Wait! Moses please-"
But Moses was already out the door
Moses lied on his bed,miserable that he had to deal with these things. He hated how everyone, even his friends, thought love was all you needed. I mean, he's in the 10th grade. He still had things like credits, college, money, and those things to worry about. Don't get me wrong, Moses loves to have a good time, but just not in a romantic way, things like that he will worry about when the time comes to it, when all work is done. But till then, life's just a boring old loop: Work, Women, Family.
Work, Moses was a real geek in, Straight A's, all the way. Well, execpt for History. He always got the dates mixed up, the people, and all sorts of things like that. Not a history guy, clearly.
Women,Moses hates talking about, moving on.
Family, He made them very proud, from his grades to his behavior around kids, which is surprizingly amazing. His mom would beam at him and go, "Oh, Moses, You're gonna be a good father one day" which often gave him a weird feeling.As he thought of his dumb, boring life, he eventually drifted more into the covers, slowly letting sleep take him away.
Moses woke up, slowly lifting himsef off the bed, and began to stretch. Once he fully pulled himself out of bed, he realized it was a monday, and he had to get some clothes. He went to his closet, and  chose a red and black checked button-up shirt, a silver 14k chain, and dark blue baggy pants. He looked at himself in the mirror and gave himself an awkward thumbs-up

As he was getting ready for school, he got a text from an unknown number. He checked to see what the message read, this is what it said:
210-555-3746: Hello, you cutie. This is the girl of your dreams, Maya Elliot. Your friend told me you were looking for a woman to satisfy your needs, and he showed me a photo of you, and my my are you fucking sexy. I would love to be your girlfriend, and maybe even your future wife ❤️ Anyways, if you wanna meet me before class begins, meet me by the lunch room, Moses 💞 Below is 2 photos of me 💖(Btw I'm a freshman)
Moses sighed heavily. He doesn't think Elizondo has ever gone this far, or even thought about it. He was gonna get so mad at him today, but first he had to deal with this..female. He scrolled down to the 2 photos of her. The first photo showed a whiteish tan girl with long fake lashes and making duck lips next to her brown poodle. She was clearly smushing her arms together to make her tits look bigger. The second photo showed her with a filter that made her have 3 hearts on top of her head, also making duck lips next to what looked like her little brother. Even though Moses found her slightly attractive, 99% of him knew that she was a whore on the streets, probably wiggling her ass on ever hot guy she saw, but put those thoughts aside, he had to reject this girl and then after that beat the fuck out of Elizondo for getting him into this mess. Because of him, a freshman was head over heels for him, and looked and sounded as she wanted him to fuck her badly. He grumbled and started walking to school with a frown on his face.
Moses went to the spot where Maya wanted him to go. As he walked there, he saw that she was already there. She wore a pink crop top with a blue butterfly on it, Large hoops, Bell bottom jeans, and black boots. He went up to her to explain the situation, with a bunch of nervousness in his chest. When Maya saw him, she turned red and slowly began curling her hair. Moses already knew this would be a hard thing to do. She leaned on him while running one finger in the center of his chest, slowly moving it all over that area. Moses was too freaked out to say anything, nor even do anything. He was just frozen there, with so much fear in him. Then Maya slowly pushed him to a dark corner, putting her whole body on his, and whispered in his ear, "Hey cutie" with so much passion in her voice. Moses did something he didn't mean to, and looked down at her tits. They were pretty big, and weren't made by smushing her arms together or nothing.
And they were on him.
Maya saw his flushing face, his eyes in her boobs, which made her smirk. "Like what you see, sexy?" she replied with passion again. She grabbed his hands, and put them both on her boobs. "Squeeze" She said firmly, as if it were an order. Moses looked at his hand and slowly took it away, which Maya was clearly irritated by. So she grabbed his hair softly, pulled him down to her height, and tried to kiss him. Moses froze, then used all his might to punch her right in her boobs that she tried to manipulate him with, and ran off as she yelled in pain, never wanting to see that son of a bitch again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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