Naked In the forest

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So, lmao. I have had many weird and cool dreams, but its hard to remember and write down them all, so I figured I'd write the dream I had earlier today during my power nap.


My mom had told me about a comedian who had done some kind of program or sketch in the forest, where he ran around naked. And idk, I thought it sounded like a good idea, so I did it too. On all fours. And accidentally stumbled upon a little camp, where I again scared the campers cuz i was naked lmao.

I was arrested, and ended up on national TV. 

Then, THE FUCKING KING showed up, and held a speech on my behalf, something along the lines "What is pink, what is red? What is naked in the forest? You're not naked in the forest."
(I have no clue how this made sense in my head)
But it made everyone clap, and they released me from custody, and I woke up pretty much as I was walking home from the whole thing, wondering how I'd explain this to my mom.

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