good intentions

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More than often on the walk of the gray line, we can see the end by examining the begining. Robert Dotson was born in a lost and godless city. At 11.59 too a single mother named Cindy stranded in a life, addled by poverty and crime. Roberts father Jack had been a successful business man. With seemingly no conscience for right and wrong. Unwilling too accept Young Robert as his son. The pieces of the puzzle already scattered. Robert will face poverty crime and deception. With no father and a more than often absent narcissistic mother. A boiling pot of trauma and success and great pain awaits our young man. His breath into life will shape the lives and fortunes of many men. Money is power and for the weak nothing will curb the ambition of men crazed with the idealism of what's yours will be mine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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