The Cringe Thing That Leonardo Did

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Section I: the video itself
This is the start of a YouTube video, Leonardo is standing centre of the screen facing the camera. He waits a few seconds before starting the speak.
‘So… Hello. I’m NeonLeon, previously known as…’ Leo starts laughing, ‘Lou_Jitsu_editz, on TikTok.’ The Video cuts here to another clip, presumably because Leo couldn’t stop laughing. .
‘So, if you go onto that account, you’ll see that the last three videos, are very different than the usual content that I post. And well, that’s for good reason, they tell a tale that is very…’ a bit of text shows up on the screen reading ‘Cringe worthy’
‘Oh and before we begin, Dad, if you’re watching this, which I know you are, click off the video, watch something else, please.’
‘Ok so now that that’s done. Here is the very awkward story of why I abandoned that old account.’
‘Now since forever my dad has been a massive Lou Jitsu stan, and he made us watch all of the movies several times, in retrospective it was weird … don’t ask about.’
‘Well, when I was twelve, I decided to make a TikTok account and post edits of him. At first, they weren’t great, but, they got way better as I was editing more. I gained quite a following, and I think at my peak I had like 1K followers, impressive, I know.’
‘But when I was 14 my brothers and I found the evil lair of this guy who I’m not gonna name, so were just going to give him a fake name, Barron Draxum. Anyway, through a series of events we ended up in his lair, and we stole some of these mystic weapons.’
‘A while later we got in a bit of trouble because of reasons, and got them confiscated by our dad, and we went to the docks to fight some bad guys, I don’t remember the details, but we did fight with fish and ladders,’
‘But Baron draxum was there and we fought, and we were being all ya know ‘Hot Soup’ and shit like that, and that’s when he told us that like our human DNA Came from Lou Jitsu.’
‘that’s the point when I was like oh shit… I have a TikTok dedicated to making edits of my dad, and its, well,  let’s just say that … people … people thought he was like, … a celebrity crush.’
‘that’s when I made the third last post, which looks like this’ the video cuts to a video with a completely black screen, with some words in white saying ‘just found out my bio dad is Lou Jitsu. I’m quitting bc it would be weird to continue.’ The video cuts back to Leo.
‘It, Gets, Worse.’
‘a fair while later these other guys resurrected an evil spirit, and there was this final battle and shit, that was really complicated and stuff, but what’s important is that after Baron Draxum, like made up a little bit with Mikey and so Mikey convinced us to have dinner which went to shit. And then Baron Draxum, had THE AUDACITY to tell us that our dad, the one that fucking raised us, is Lou Jitsu. And also that Lou Jitsu is a stage name, but like that that parts irrelevant.’
‘So that’s when I made the second last post’
The screen switches again to a black screen with text on it saying ‘it got worse he also raised me, gonna go throw myself off a building/j’
‘featuring this comment’ Leo interrupts
Showing on screen a comment by Bootyyyshaker9000, ‘Do it pussy’
‘I am 60 percent sure that that I my brother especially since the entire page is purple, so I may be making this video to avoid being blackmailed (that was a joke)’
‘Now you may be thinking that this is as bad as it gets… but no. It. Gets. Worse.’
‘I don’t know how. But I have warrant to believe that my dad may be following that account from the beginning, unaware that it was me. and that I should have not said the reason why I was quitting, because it made him aware that one of his sons made that account. I think he’s one of my mutuals too. But thankfully he didn’t know which one of his sons was the one who was posting on it, or if it was more than one.’
‘So, he confronted us. Thankfully no one ratted me out. but still. After the confrontation I made the final post.’
On screen is shown a video, pretty much the same as the others, except saying ‘Shit, guys my dad has definitely found my TikTok, I don’t think he’s told my other dad tho’
‘Now many of you had questions in the comments’ the screen now showed a steady scroll of comments, ‘and I will be answering them here.’
‘the most common question was basically ‘wait is Lou Jitsu gay?’ and the answer is, no, he apparently had a thing with an evil spider lady, however that doesn’t rule out the possibility. And the ‘other dad’ I was referring to was in fact baron draxum, and he was the guy who developed the mutagen and mutated the five of us.’
‘the next most common question was asking is dad single. Technically yes. But I don’t think he’d be interested. Still, don’t ask out my fucking dad.’
‘one of the other comments that was quite common, was how do you not know Lou Jitsu was you dad. Well, he didn’t tell us, and respectfully, he looks completely different. It also didn’t help that he absolutely fakes his accent in shows, so he sounds quite different too.’
Now there were 2 comments of significance, that I believe were made by my brothers the first, is the return of bootyyyshaker9000, commenting ‘are you gay?’,’ the comment was shown on screen, ‘yes.’
‘the other was by Michelangelo2.0, and it was just a bunch of emojis. But I think that this is also my brother, especially considering the content that he makes’
‘Anyway, to answer the most common question that would have been the main trait of the comments section under this video, yes my skin is actually green, it is because I am a turtle’
‘Subscribe and I might make more content’
The video cuts off.

Section II: Comments
@SamuriRabbit Pinned by creator
My boyfriend, everyone.
How the fuck did you even find this?
@samuriRabbit replying to @NeonLeon
It came up on my feed…
@Bootyyyshaker9000 replying to @samuriRabbit
And then he sent it to the family gc
@NeonLeon replying to @Bootyyyshaker9000
We don’t have a family group chat?
@NeonLeon replying to @NeonLeon
Wait, I understand now. Can you add me in.
@Bootyyyshaker9000 replying to @NeonLeon

I thought that whoever did it would be in trouble lol

OH FFS this is what makes you say that your proud of one of us. *Cries*
@LIKEABOSS replying to @bootyyshaker9000
Is this what you were crying about yesterday, I thought Sheldon had died or somthin

Edit: I seem to have caused some confusion, Lou Jitsu is a stage name, Hamato Yoshi is his actual name
@indcisiveBich replying to @yourlocalstan
When the fuck did Lou Jitsu have kids? And better question, WHY ARE THEY FUCKING TURTLES?
First of all we are not ‘Fucking turtles’ we are just turtles, and second of all, we have very little idea because the one who Leo Dubbed ‘Barron Draxum’ is not telling us because ‘his lab exploded and experiments (including us and dad) escaped’ and Dad won’t tell us because he got mutated and does not want to relive the traumatic memories associated with that time in his life.

YO, @HamatoYoshi *the lip biting emoji thing*
@NeonLeon replying to @sirsimpsallot
@Bootyyyshaker9000 replying to @sirsimpsallot
@LIKEABOSS replying to @sirsimpsallot
@MikeyCooks replying to @sirsimpsallot

This randomly popped up in my YouTube Feed, and I had never herd of you before, but what the actual fuck? This story was better than Shakespeare’s.
Would you believe he’s done weirder things? Because to answer your question, yes, he has

This video made me laugh, Doctor Feelings will be visiting you shortly
Please don’t


Wait … @NeonLeon, ur gay? And your dating @samuriRabbit
Yes and yes
@ AprilO’NeilProductions Replying to @NeonLeon
In our defence we met a month ago and started dating a week ago, and you haven’t been around.
@AprilO’NeilProductions replying to @samuriRabbit
Who even are you?
Leo’s brother said to not put personal information on the internet, so I will not be answering that.

GUYS! I now have everyone’s YouTube channels lol yall are fucked
Its not like we kept them a secret from you. You were literally there when I filmed like half of my videos, and I said my channel name at the start of them. + ratio

Click here for FREE ROBUX!!! *link*

Wow, what a story, definitory subscribing, I hope you make more content soon.

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