The Voice

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                Do you know what you have done? Do you realize the sorrows emanating from the depths of their hearts? Their voices echo in the air begging for you to stop; yet you choose to continue with your brutal acts, further sewing a grotesque patch onto the quilt of their lives. They never asked for any of these. What compelled you to do such things? Everything was in one accord until you suddenly forced yourself into their worlds, serving as the harbinger of pandemonium. For what reason did you do this? Was there any accomplishment that you had in mind upon executing these acts? I sense your temper rising; but stay and listen. Consider this a revelation of the truth that you have been turning your back from. Why don’t you calm down and reminisce your past? A certain day… specific events perhaps; think back. Visualize. Analyze. Realize. Remember the victims of your actions? Maybe you have forgotten, but I don’t.

                A stretch of dark paradise seeps into the room, depriving all signs of pigment. Winds grow still, interrupted by the sound of footsteps—your footsteps. The hurricane of excitement chokes into a tsunami of terror, short-lived as it always is. Gravity intensifies, its magnitude disheveling the crowd. Even the flies stop to ponder what territory have they trespassed, resting on the nearest surface within reach. Silence strips away animation as all eyes shift to you. It is as if the elements are under your control. But is that not how it is? Your mere presence halts the room’s activities. What delight you must have felt every time you watch them tremble, subject to your tyranny! Child, what pride you exude! A commendable asset or a cowardly fiasco?

                But what lies at the corner of the room? Rather… who? Do you recognize their faces? Are they not the folks whom you traumatized? There rests a girl, her face covered with her hands. At the other side sits a sulking boy, facial features dim from view. They are but mere shadows now, grayed out by your thoughts. Hence, they appear faceless in your perception. Do you really not remember? Or do you just refuse look back?

                She cried–not because she was joyful but because she was under the blanket of depression. Your piercing words shredded the dreams that she aspired to make them come true. You ruined them all; and you watched her shatter into pieces as your sardonic laughter burrowed even more holes into the essence of her soul. She was thrust into a world of haplessness. Her grades flunked; her friends left her side, repelled by her negative aura. All that she could do was wander around in a listless background with no one to console her or even dare approach her, because you injected lies into people’s minds, poisoning their thoughts about her. It was all a product of your actions. In the end, when she realized that she had no reason to stay any longer, she released herself from the world. That’s right; she chose not to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was that bad. What did you do about it? Nothing.

                Then he bled–not because he spiraled down the stairs but because he was assaulted. Even after her expiration, you continued walking on the same path filled with malevolent thoughts and superficial aspirations, ignoring the bigger picture here. His nose had been under the knife before; and when you landed your fist on it, crimson nectar drenched the vicinity. He had already surrendered, but you pressed on. He screamed for help, but you gagged him. Eventually, he withdrew himself from the campus and settled in another place in hopes of recovering his sanity. However, the incident proved to be heavier than what his heart could take; so he isolated himself in the confines of his home. Even with the comforts of a familiar atmosphere, he continues to be haunted by the scars of his past up to this day. Do you see how powerful the domino effect is? You may think it is unnoticeable; but honestly, it is just a way of deviating from reality.

                Who am I? Who is taking the precious sands of your time in reminding you all of these? I am a fragment of this lost child, wandering around the scope of his days. I may be considered as a mere shadow, but there is more to what meets the eye. I am more than just a noise lingering in your head. You may not fully know yourself, but there is one thing that you should come to realize. You are a fool–a fool who picks on others for shallow enjoyment. Don’t you dare prevaricate from the truth that unmasks your true self, a youth among the crowd who exhibits vulnerability but tries to hide it from view. Why run away from your past? Why do you choose not to turn over a new leaf when it is still possible at this moment? Why dismiss the matter?It only shows your cowardice.

                Your folks may give up and abandon you, but I will not do the same. Why? Because I am part of you. You may not notice it, but I hold a huge significance in your life. Seeing the current state of your mind, it is only I who can confront you in order to bring your senses back to life. Fight then–fight if you dare, but your efforts are in vain. You struggle and try to shoo this voice away, but that only compels it to intensify. Indeed, what you have done in the past is irrevocable; but there is still time for you to quit being the antagonist of everyone’s lives.

                Life… it is something that each person has. Everyone’s lives are unique, but yours does not need to stand out with record of mistreating others. What do you benefit from spinning threads of wickedness? Do they outweigh the boons of benevolence?

                Realize this and keep it in your mind–you are human. People make mistakes; and sometimes, they do not realize the extent of the destruction they are causing. Calm yourself; engage in deep contemplation. Is this what you want in life? Is this the way that things should be? What good will come out of this? Better yet, why not be a different person for a day and see the difference? I shall give you time to meditate on this matter. It is something that should not be ignored. Your heart is not destined to be tainted with bitterness forever. Once you have made up your mind, declare it to everyone. I want you to see, to feel, and to remember this day–this very day when a voice reached out to you. I chose you, because no one deserves to be left out. Everyone deserves a second chance. Come forth. From this day forward, let My voice be the one who will direct your paths.

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