Wednesday starts to talk to her roommate more

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"I don't know ." Wednesdays says as she walk to her bag

She opens her bag and Thing pops out

"Thing What the hell are you doing here ?" Wednesday says as she looks a bit mad

Thing uses his hand motions to say "Morticia and Gomez sent him to spy on her ."

"Ofc they don't trust me it's not like I'd get drunk or have sex so what could I possibly do wrong ." Wednesdays says as she is mad

She holds thing down and in a mean voice says "Listen now you aren't telling them anything or I'll lock you in my desk for the rest of the school year ."

"What the hell he looks so creepy ." Enid says as she is grossed out

"He's thing my families servant ." Wednesday says as she goes back to her bed

Someone knocks on there dorm door Enid gets up and opens the door

"Um hi is Wednesday here ." Xavier says as he looks around

"Yes, Wednesday it's for you ." Enid says as she walks back to her bed

Wednesday gets up and goes to the door "what do you want ."

"Hey I'm Xavier I wanted to introduce myself ." Xavier says as he looks scared

"Look I'm not here to make friends in fact I'm going to try to leave ." Wednesday says as she slams the door

"Hey that was so rude ." Enid says as she looks mad

"I don't care I don't need friends ." Wednesdays says as she sits at her desk

Enid plays music and dances

"Turn that off now I'm trying to type on my typewriter ." Wednesday says as she get up and walks to Enid

"This kittys got claws and I'm not afraid to use them ." Enid says as she puts them out

"Im not scared of no cat claws what you gonna do scratch me alive ." Wednesday says as she looks at Enid

Wednesday mixed emotions [ FINISHED ]Where stories live. Discover now