Most embarrassing day ever

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Hi, Stan simps lmao. 
This is the official first Gravity Falls book I have ever done so I hope it's not bad. I hope you all enjoy it.


"Nope, I'll pass on him" Luna giggled "His outfit style is so ew and when he walked by you could tell he drowned himself in cologne." Stella began to sign but let out a small laugh "What I did tell you I was very picky with my men" Having Stella and Luna as my best friends were the greatest choice I had ever made. If I'm being honest, They aren't my first options because they are highly obsessed with boys and want to hook up with everyone they see but when you get to know them, they are very caring girls who will do everything to make you happy and I mean everything.

Stella literally spread a rumor about this girl named Haley and said she was hooking up with every jock and a math teacher who was a woman. She did all that because Haley bumped into me when I was heading to the library. She had gotten a lot of attention because of that. It was actually really funny, to be honest, it got that bad she left school and no one had seen her since. I'm not homophobic but sadly LGBT is not legal in 1970, I hope someday it will become legal in the future. "(Y/N) what's your opinion on him?"

I don't look up from my book and reply "I agree with Luna. He's not my time" Luna, Stella and I are currently at a coffee shop chilling outside with our drinks and desserts. We do this 3 times a week and it keeps us very energized. Being at University isn't that easy so if we didn't put a coffee break on our schedule then there would be a chance we would all be asleep in bed, missing every single class and only getting up for a toilet and two snacks. I came up with this idea since I love going outside and the girls do love listening to gossip from time to time so this was a win-win for all of us.

"Hey, you didn't even look up so how do you know he's not your type" Stella sighed "Yes Luna is right about his smell and clothes but the way he talks and his giggle are extremely hot. His hair is neatly brushed back and he has these cute freckles across his nose" Stella stayed quiet a little "Thinking about it now, I could do better" She sighed, I grabbed my cup of tea, and looked away from my books. I followed their direction to see if my suspicion is right. I looked passed everyone I know they weren't looking at and instantly noticed a boy who was leaning again the wall laughing and talking to his friends who were sitting at a four-seated table. This confirmed my thought. Typical, the type of boy they always look at.

"Without looking I know you guys were talking about Caleb" Both girls looked at me "And you two aren't his type, to begin with," I sipped at my hot chocolate. Yeah I know it's a very simple hot drink but it's the only one I like. I'm not a fan of these over-complicated drinks people get "He is into blonde hair and blue eyes. It's a bonus if they have glasses or braces" Since Luna and Stella are sisters they both have black hair and green eyes. "He also prefers shy girls so you two being obsessed with rating boys and hooking up with them is not his type" Stella placed her elbow on the table and began to pick at her food "Also if you keep picking at your food you may get attacked by a bird again" She instantly stopped and began to fiddle with her nails. Honestly, that was the funniest day ever, Two pigeons swopped down, one took her last cake and the other just stayed on our table eating the crumbs, luckily we were finished with our drinks so we left. Now she has learned her mistake she will not do that again... I hope

"Figures you know him" Luna spoke "Should have realized that the social butterfly would know people in and out of school." She huffed and sat back in her chair "We all stick together and yet somehow you can know information about complete strangers so quickly" I gave her a shrug and a quick giggle "That is quite impressive. Remind me to come to you when I need to investigate people at parties" I rolled my eyes with a smile. Luna makes it seem like we are all super glued to the hip but in reality, when these two are talking about girly things, I get our drinks and I just happen to talk to people while I wait. It's a surprise how many people you can meet that are actually willing to talk to you and not try and get into your pants.

There have been some incidents but you learn ways to just get away from them as quickly as possible and never meet them again. I looked at Stella and saw she was a bit sad so I placed my hand on her shoulder. Stella does have some trouble picking up a boyfriend but it's lucky she has her sister by her side to help her "If you get up now you can speak to the bartender over there" I pointed at the bar and showed her this cute ginger-haired boy "He's a natural born ginger, has brown eyes. He loves video games and anime and he has been looking for a cute hyper girl who is willing to show him adventure and care" Both girls looked at each other and without hesitation they both jumped out of their seats and ran straight there.

I laughed. I completely forgot Luna and Stella have the same personality. They may have different types in boys but you can tell they're a copy and paste of each other right down to the height, facial features, and even their personality.  I placed my hair behind my ear and was about to look back at the work that I was focusing on when I started hearing a group of boys laughing and talking among themselves. I shrugged it off but stopped once more when I noticed a group of boys who were students at the university appear in my eyesight, I kept an eye on them and noticed they were planning something.

I was wondering what they were thinking but soon stopped when I saw them ram into another student and caused him to drop all his books. I felt bad for the person so when the group left I quickly got up and went to his aid. I hated people like this which is why I decided to stand up for people instead of being a watcher in the background. I went on my knees and grabbed as many books as I could. I was honestly surprised this guy could hold this many books on his own. There were like 8 hardback books. I grabbed the last two books and noticed they were anomaly books which were different than the others but people have their interests so I can't judge them.

"Are you okay?" I placed my hands on the bottom book of the pile and slid my hands under "I absolutely hate people like that. They all think they're royalty in this town, it makes me so sick knowing they bully others for fun. They all could- WHOA!" I got to my feet but due to trying to pick up all the books I nearly fell but luckily the stranger caught me in time. I was so happy that I didn't make a fool out of myself but the minute he caught me I felt...  safe and warm. I never knew I could feel like this in my life but I loved it so much. I giggled in a shy manner "T-Thanks" I never thought I would get pushed down to the ground by a pile of books especially when I decided to help someone in need. I'm so freaking embarrassed right now.

I didn't bother looking at him since I knew if I did he would notice I was blushing like crazy. He gently took his books back and spoke silently "I should be the one thanking you, you didn't need to help me but you did and I'm really happy about that" I rubbed the back of my neck smiling "Say don't you go to-" before he could say anything we both heard two girls shouting. I quickly covered my face in embarrassment. Could this day get any more embarrassing "Are they your friends?" I nodded my head extremely quickly. The stranger chuckled quietly. "You've got an interesting choice of friends"

"This is so embarrassing. Sorry I-I have to go now" I ran right past the guy and went straight to Luna and Stella. I quickly sat back in my chair and calmed my nerves down. Luna and Stella have done this multiple times and would have been a whole lot worse if I decided to ignore them but this time it felt different. I was generally embarrassed. I finally looked up at the girls and noticed they had their chins in their hands and were giving me the 'Something has happened and we are going to find out' face. I quickly looked back at the stranger I helped but sadly noticed he had already gone. 

When the two sisters get glued to some news they will not stop until they get more information even if you don't have the information they want like me. I don't even know what the stranger looked like all I ever saw was the back of him which I have seen in the school library so I know we're in the same school, I don't even know his name. All I know is he likes anomaly stuff and that he loves school and reading, and his calm, quiet and relaxing voice that I would play on repeat if I could. (Y/N) stop this, this isn't you. You're head over heels in love with someone you just met. I wish a meteor comes flying down to earth and destorys everything just so I can get out of this drama. I sigh and slammed my head on the table. This is going to be a tough day. 

The Choice Between Two Stans || Stanford X Reader X StanleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora