Desperate fears unlocked

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"YOUR CRAZY! A demon! Why is there a demon on earth!?" A short man trailed along the floor bleeding out slowly. "Maybe I am" Evil stepped on his back, shoving a sword through his back. The man gawked in pain before succumbing to his injuries. The silence in the room dawned on evil as he crouched down beside the corpse. "I bet you'll taste revolting..." he grabbed the heart of the man along with a rib, Bitting into the heart like an apple as it dripped onto the floor he bit the rib like hard candy.
"Disgusting..." he muttered, a sorrowful look on his face. "I'll be leaving the north realm now" he created a portal not even looking back at the man he'd murdered. "I-I'm ba-" Wrong portal. Instead of the clown house he was in his old living room where Al of his Ex's sat watching the live of him murdering the man who was gonna cure cancer.
"Evil!?" Asteria jumped off the couch and ran to hug him. Tears streamed down evils face "N-no I'm s-sorry! I-I d-dint mean to come here!" Tears formed in his eyes, a distressed look plastered on his face. She held his hands and started crying idolizing his return.  Evil slowly shook his head "W-we missed you, we've decided to forgive you under some circumstances, we can't live without you" Artimas grabbed him from behind shocking him to the core. Seon grabbed Artimas by his shirt "You idiot your being to up front!" He yelled at him. "As upfront as when we first met him and it was YOUR idea to tail him against his will!" Artimas boomed gritting his teeth. Evil began slowly hyperventilating staring at the room as it got darker. "Are they really arguing, every since we found out Seon knew about Evil's secret He and Artimas have been really upset with each other..." Siona mumbled to herself from the couch. None of them where noticing Evils distress.
"I'll fucking show you upfront you stupid faggot bitch " Seon yelled at Artimas before storming up to Evil and pinning him to the wall. " please come back to us baby" He flirted. Evil finally broke and slid down the wall to the floor. "No...NOO!! Y-your lying y-you wouldn't want me back! You hate me- y-you s-said it! Just torture me! I-I know you want to!" The tears finally flooded out of his eyes. He looked so distressed as he sobbed and begged. "P-please don't look at me!" He put his head into his hands. Seon looked down at Evil with a worrying face. "E-evil?" Siona muttered in amazement. "Look what you did you ass!" Artimas grabbed Seon by his shirt. "Let go of me you ogre!" He screamed "This is your fault!" Seon kicked at his ankle causing Artimas to fall to the floor
For clarification Artimas is 6'7 and very big body while Seon is 6'2 with a surfer bod
Instantly they started bickering, cursing at each other, hitting and punching each other. Siona and Asteria ran to stop the two but it was so luck. Evil slid farther into the corner apologizing over and over again. "We should have never brought you here in the first place you unlucky piece of shit!" Artimas slammed his fist into Seon's chest. He looked up at Artimas before gritting his teeth kicking himself back and jolting upstairs. "What has gotten into you guys lately! And all of this in front of Evil!?" Asteria knelled down to comfort Artimas. Siona sighed and popped a piece of candy in her mouth before looking over at Evil who was still hyperventilating, his head to the floor now. "Hey Ev.. what's wrong??" She walked down to him. "I-I wanna get out of here! I'm sorry I caused this!" He locked eyes with Artimas. "It's not your fault Evil we just want you back" Artimas pouted. Evil finally looked up to see the three of them looking at him. "You look different" Siona wiped his tears with a handkerchief. Memories from centuries ago cam back as he looked into her eyes but also some from last year, "I-I'm sorry I'll get o-out of your hair now" He headed for the door. "Not yet" Artimas tugged him by his pants pulling him to the floor on his lap. "Ahh!" Evil jittered under his breath.
"Stay here, with us" Artimas hugged Evil once again. "I-i have to get back to my f-friends" he muttered trying not to let his voice go. "Oh those weirdos? Why do you need them?" Asteria grabbed him by his chin. "Umm- i-i you guys make me distressed and scared because I know what I did was wrong and I know I don't deserve you all and I even ruined the relationship between Seon and Artimas..." Evil stood up again. "Please don't leave Evil, really they forgive you and we really miss you," Siona butted in. It was in all of their heads they had the sinister thoughts
"if only his spd would kick in now"
Evil took a a sheet of paper and wrote something down, sliding it into an envelope in a matter of seconds. He muttered "I'm sorry..I don't know yet" before walking out the door tears brinking his eyes once again. "FUCK" Artimas slammed his fist into the floor "Why won't he take us back shouldn't he be delighted!? Is this one of his fucking disorders!?" He sobbed into Asterias shoulder. Siona on the other hand grabbed the note, a shocked look plastered over her face. "What's it say?" Asteria asked. "It's in ancient tounge..."Siona muttered "want me to read for you yougins?" She stuck her tounge out. They both reluctantly shook their heads.

Dear my favorite four, I'm sorry I couldn't be of worth to you. Im a sad murdering drug addict loser. Please like I said last time forget about me or even better find someone new. I am not deserving of you and I deserve to stay in the dump. I always think of you and will never quit just as I do with my other loves. Maybe you guys are right and it's just a personality, but what I didn't tell you is that when my hair is blond I should be myself, (should) either way I will come to the right choice for all of us. I love the four of you with all my heart and that will never stop but the pain I caused you is to great. Here is my contact info you at least deserve this. 666-689-123, Love, the one who is Evil.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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