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Hailee regeen

"If I had a dime for every time someone looked at me like that

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"If I had a dime for every time someone looked at me like that.."
-Mean girl

Denise Richardson

"I don't recognize you anymore!"-little sister

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"I don't recognize you anymore!"
-little sister

Melanie Richardson

"I feel like I don't belong here

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"I feel like I don't belong here...or anywhere"
-mean character

Charlie Richardson

"My girlfriend has nothing to do with your illness

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"My girlfriend has nothing to do with your illness. Could you be any more stupid!?"
-abusive big brother

Penee brown

"What the fuck do you think your doing!?!"-best friends big sister

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"What the fuck do you think your doing!?!"
-best friends big sister

Tanya brown

"Stay at my house and all will be well"-best friend 

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"Stay at my house and all will be well"
-best friend

Martha Richardson

"If you wanna go then fucking go!!"-drunk and abusive mom

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"If you wanna go then fucking go!!"
-drunk and abusive mom

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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