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     "I remember that day clearly." My voice is soft and subtle. I sat taller in my chair, gripping harder onto the damp tissue in my fist.
     "What can you tell us about last Tuesday, Miss Devoe?" Detective Brookes asked. I looked at his pale face. His hand shook as he held up a pen to write down everything I said. This was a horrible murder, and I don't blame him for being afraid. I was horrified by the terrible death of my Fiance. "Miss Devoe?" He looked at me with blank eyes as I stared back.
     "I'm sorry. I don't know how much of this I can take, Detective." I teared up and started crying as the memories flooded back into my head. Detective Brookes grabbed my hands and forced me to look at him.
     "Gwen, it's fine. If you're not ready to talk yet I understand. I'm sure those memories are haunting you." He gave me a gentle look and raised his eyebrows. I pulled away to wipe my face from the tears that had been rolling down my face.
     "No. I can do this." I looked down and went back to that day. That horrible Tuesday when my beloved was brutally killed. I didn't want to make my mind go back there but I had to. Just this once right? I took a deep breath and started slowly. "It all started when we got back to our house. Andrew had just proposed to me."

Come back for chapter one! This is just a small sneak peek!

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