You sprint as fast as your legs will carry you, trying to keep balance with your wrists tightly tied up in a thick rope. You feel like your lungs are on fire, your throat burns but you have to other choice than to carry on running if you don't want to end up back at that place where they're trying to morph you into what you hate most.

You hear voices behind you, shouting for you to return to them. As you swiftly turn the corner into a small alleyway, you hide underneath a large bin.

"Y/N, we ain't gonna hurt ya honey~ just come out, we'll take you home" you hear the familiar voice of him.

As he doesn't hear a response he screams, "Y/N!" Aggressively, showing how swiftly his mood can change. You refuse to be like one of those psychopathic assholes.

You hear him lift up the bin and slam it down, seeing how no one was in there.

As his shoes are visible to you, you can feel your heart pounding against your rib cage. You feel sick.

"Any luck?"

"Nope. I mean, I'm only just eighteen, trying my best here. No sign though, looked in small spaces too."

As the pair talk, you hear the screeching of tyres as someone pulls up.

"You two, any sign?" You hear that familiar robotic voice, they've got everyone out here looking for you.

"Not at all."

"Rufus is gonna be pissed!"

"Not my problem that bitch decided to run off" he walks away from you as you can hear his voice getting softer.

"Get in, we'll continue looking for her elsewhere."

You let out a sigh of relief hearing the car getting further and further from you. As soon as you can't hear it anymore, you crawl out from underneath the bin, running toward a fence and jumping it.

Slowly, you feel your eyes grow heavy and your body feel weak. Shit.

Tiredly, you open your eyes to see an unfamiliar scenery. Immediately, you sit up and grab whoever is beside you, holding their arm in a lock, if they move, their limb will break.

"Y/N, right? I'm here to help you, I'm not one of them. You're in the slums right now. Let go of my arm so you don't break it, okay?" A girl with dark hair says with a soft smile.

"Sorry, it's just my natural instinct."

"I understand, don't sweat it" she giggles, "this is my bar, Seventh Heaven, I'm Tifa. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"You'll see a certain group of people in here so I'll introduce you. Gun for hand guy over there is Barret and that little girl is Marlene, his friends daughter, he adopted her. Big guy over there is Wedge, he's with Biggs and Jessie. That's us."

"Nice to meet you all, I'm Y/N. Wait... how did you know my name before?"

"Your clothing is labelled."

"Oh right, I forgot about that."

"I still don't trust her, Shinra scum!" Barret yells, stepping closer to you, "what are you doing here?"

"I ran away from Shinra. I don't know how I ended up here but if I'm such a burden then I'll leave. Thank you for your care so far, I'll find a way to pay you back some day."

"Ignore him!" Jessie skips toward you, "why did you run from Shinra? What was it like there?"

"They were training me, daily. To become one of them, a demon. There was a group in particular that do all of Shinra's dirty work, I was meant to be part of that group. They're called Turks. Made up of three main members. There's one in charge, he's formal, comes across as kind. Then there's a pair, one of them is lazy but very good at his job because he's an asshole who doesn't care, the other is really kind but forced to do the bad things. They work closely with Rufus Shinra."

"Right, so you were nearly a spy."

"Yes, I'm trained to be one. I'm fifteen."

"Do you know anything about the soldiers or cadets? My friend Cloud has just been scouted as a cadet."

"No, sorry. I was strictly with Turks."

"I hope he's okay..." Tifa looks down with a concerned look on her face.

"If he's working for Shinra, he's probably a lot safer than we are. They have the most power."

"Then why'd ya run?" Wedge asks.

"I couldn't stand it any longer, I couldn't be one of them. I didn't want to be a bad person."

"Well I stay in an apartment close to here, you're welcome to have a room. You're safe now" Tifa smiles.

"Thank you."

5 Years Later

Living in the slums for five years now, you've been trusted to be a member of the Avalanche group. You've never actually been on a mission incase you get caught by Shinra but you've been organising the missions as you know Midgar better than anyone.

However for five years, you haven't stopped thinking about them but at the same time, you can barely remember them at all.

You walk into the bar this morning to see an unfamiliar face. He's got blonde, spiky hair with a buster sword.

"Y/N, this is Cloud, he's my childhood friend if you remember me mentioning him. Cloud this is Y/N, she joined us five years ago."

"You've got mako eyes, are you a soldier?" You ask as you see his eyes glow.

"I'm an Ex-Soldier."

"Guess you two have one thing in common then. Y/N is an Ex-Turk."

"Don't associate me with a Turk" he frowns.

"Are Turks that bad?"

"Turks are assholes."

"Anyway, she plans missions for us now, like the one you just took part in. All we gotta do it protect her so Shinra can't track her down."

"If they sent all of Shinra out looking for her in the first place then she's got no hope. She must be valuable. If not, then she should be fine."

"Who exactly was looking for you?"

"I don't know, I can't remember anything."

"The trauma of it all has caused her brain to block out those memories, I think" Tifa explains to Cloud.

"That's gonna help. If they come looking for her, she won't even know who they are. Y/N, you're fucked."

"Cloud, don't be so negative! You know the Turks, don't you?"

"Unfortunately, yes."

"Then that's how you can help out."

You can't really remember what you were, what Turks are, what your purpose was. What if Cloud's right? How are you meant to protect yourself when you can't even remember who's chasing you?

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