A Chaotic Sleepover

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Cassandra knocked on the door to Rapunzel's room, to her surprise, the woman opened it immediately. She could visibly see Rapunzel vibrating with excitement as she exclaimed, "Girls night!" The woman tugged Cassandra over to a table in the middle of the room.
"What's this?" Cassandra asked, looking at the table decorated with a tea-set, a frilly cloth underneath.
"Tea party? Duh?" Rapunzel replied like it was the most obvious thing ever.
"I thought this was supposed to be a sleepover, not a tea party???" Cass pursed her lips, staring down at the dry looking biscuits.
"Tea party first, then a sleepover." Rapunzel chirped happily as she poured tea into her cup.
"Raps— Sorry to disappoint, but I don't even like tea. I prefer coffee, black coffee." Cassandra stated.
"Oh- Well, I can go and get you some from the kitchen?"
"No, you don't have to, maybe we can just skip this whole tea—" Cassandra stopped mid-sentence, Rapunzel had left. She sighed. A few minutes later, the woman returned, a bottle in hand.
"I found some coffee for you!" She exclaimed, proudly displaying her find.
"Oh Raps, you didn't have to." Cassandra took the bottle from her hand and unscrewed the lid, an odd tangy smell came from it. "This smells... Interesting." She took a swig. Cass's face contorted, it was thick? And very strong-tasting? It was like no other black coffee she'd ever tried berfore. But she loved it.
"Mm! This is delicious Raps." Cass took another gulp of the 'coffee'. Just then the door opened, in peeked Eugene.
"Heyyy, girls. Whatcha up to?"
"We're having a sleepover." Rapunzel chirped happily.
"Get out, Flitzherbert. This is a girls only sleepover." Cass spat.
"Okay, okay, sheesh." Eugene closed the door. Cassandra took another swig of the 'coffee', her stomach twisted.
"Eugh- This is making me feel kinda gross," She groaned.
"You don't have to drink it—" As Rapunzel spoke, Cassandra took another big gulp. "Oh okay then!"
"Okay Raps, what're we gonna do at this so-called sleepover?" Cass asked smugly.
"Actually, I didn't think that far. What do girls normally do at sleepovers?" She thought to herself.
"Really? You didn't plan any further than a tea party?" Cass rolled her eyes, typical Rapunzel. "Okay, okay, how about a game of truth or dare?"
The door opened again, "Truth or dare, hm?" Eugene had been listening.
"Flitzherbert!!! GET OUT!" Cassandra reached for her sword.
"Woah woah woah, don't get your panties in a twist, I was just walking by and-" Eugene got cut off by Cassandra running towards him, sword in hand. "Jesus! Okay, okay, I'm going!" Eugene held his hands up in defeat and promptly left.
"That was a little mean, Cass-" Rapunzel began.
"Maximus!" Cass bellowed into the hall, the horse came running. "Guard this door and DON'T let Eugene in or in the corridor for that matter."  Max nodded obediently. Cass closed the door, "Finally, we'll have peace."
"Don't you think that was a little much?" Rapunzel asked. Cass shook her head, "Nah if it were up to him, he'd be bothering us all night."
"You're right- Plus, it's a girls only sleepover afterall."
"Exactly. So, before we got rudely interrupted, let's play truth or dare." Cass sat down on Rapunzel's bed and took another swig of the 'coffee'. "Okay Raps, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Rapunzel was giddy with excitement over what her dare could be.
"I'll start off easy for the first round, I'll be right back. I need to get the supplies." Cass said ominously, leaving the room. She came back a few minutes later with a tray of sweets. There were two cakes, two huge cupcakes and five cookies.
"I dare you to eat all of this in five minutes." She placed the tray in-front of Rapunzel, her grin wiped right off her face.
"This is easy?" She reached for the first cupcake unsure.
"What're you waiting for? Go, go, go! The timer started!"
"Shoot!" Rapunzel began stuffing her mouth full of the cupcake but this was a huge cupcake. It was about the size of her head. She barely made it through the cupcake as she reached for the second one, already feeling queasy.
"How mhuch thime ish lefft? She asked, mouth full.
"Two minutes, come on! You've only eaten one! Go, go, go!" Cass pumped like a gym teacher. Two minutes later, the timer rang. Rapunzel had only managed to finish two cupcakes, the rest of the tray was left untouched. Rapunzel was slumped over, face covered in frosting, her skin looked a bit paler.
"I failed your dare- What happens now???" She hiccuped, holding her stomach.
"You get punished. That's what." Cass smiled deviously.

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